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Everything posted by Genome

  1. Genome

    Something missing from Namalsk?

    I'd like to add warm cloths(for temp change), and the EMP / Radiation strikes. These things combined with Bloodsuckers and the rumored Rail Gun is what made Namalsk awesome for Arma 2
  2. Genome

    Namalsk Background Noise

    You must have not played Namalsk on Arma 2 I'm assuming? It's nostalgia. It's been the same since day one back in 2012. I for one would not feel the same about the map if these sounds were decreased or removed. You gotta deal just like everyone else. Differentiate the fake walking sounds to whats real. This is what makes Namalsk great and why it's considered a hardcore map within the community.
  3. Three things that need added asap ... Warm cloths, EMP/ Radiation strikes, & Bloodsuckers Considering this rumor that the rail gun is in, I did not mention it. But all these things combined is what made Arma 2 Namalsk great!! We need to recapture all this for A3 Exile Namalsk
  4. Genome

    Namalsk Server

    Three things that need added asap ... Warm cloths, EMP/ Radiation strikes, & Bloodsuckers Considering I heard a rumor that the rail gun is in, I did not mention it. But all these things combined is what made Arma 2 Namalsk great!! We need to recapture all this for A3 Exile Namalsk