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Everything posted by the

  1. the

    Exile download mirrors unreliable

    I am hosting that, that is not the a3launcher one.
  2. the

    Exile download mirrors unreliable

    If you do official torrent releases I am happy to seed. Just PM me every time you update as I don't come here often My box does around 400MB/s (bytes not bits) 24/7 so speed is no issue. I know arma 3 launcher uses bit torrent I am trying to find the torrent file for that to seed too.
  3. the

    Installing and Downloading

    Why would it take longer? Latency shouldn't effect download speeds.
  4. So if I manually add the mods via arma 3's native launcher, it tells me my mods are either out of date or just says "invalid", after manually adding exile and extended base mod. Also some of the custom mods for the server such as CBA_Terrains it says are "does not match". So I can't join any custom exile mod servers through arma. But I can with A3Launcher. Only problem is since the new patch, most of the time, the server doesn't show up in the search option in A3Launcher so I can't actually join any server. Any ideas? I don't understand why the mods work in A3L but don't work when launching with the arma 3 official launcher. A3L doesn't download anything extra to join, it uses the mods I have downloaded already. Thanks
  5. Also, this mod now requires Extended Base Mod. I downloaded it via Steam Workshop. A3Launcher to load...little red dot next to it? So A3L can't even load correct mods?
  6. the

    Extended Base Mod

    On steam workshop it says Extended Base Mod 6mb On Armaholic it says Extended Base Mod 22mb Which one is the right one?
  7. the

    Locking vehicles.

    I would love to see the option of locking a vehicle whilst you are in it. For example the other day I unlocked my LB at the trader that contained 4 boxes of 9.3mm ammo. Whilst I was spooling the heli up for take off, a player came and looted my heli, taking and presumably selling all 4 boxes of ammo. Rinse and repeat 3 times before I managed to take off. Another time a guy got into my heli and I had to fly him back to base for my team mates to kill him. Further more I would like to see the option of being able to unlock vehicles from inside them. Sometimes I go afk for 30 seconds and come back to find myself locked in a vehicle - you can't access the inventory or do anything, and if your team mates are killed you are stuck! Thank you
  8. the

    Locking vehicles.

    Either that or if you are killed inside a vehicle, your body falls out below it?
  9. the

    Exile mod is too easy.

    That just means that the huge group that dominates server A (normally the admin team) will do so with level 3 all the time...and the people or small groups who come on to the server will just spend all their time dying...and leave and never come back.
  10. the

    Exile mod is too easy.

    I think Exile is too easy because of thermal vision, and this is a problem. 1. If you are a lone-wolf you are pretty much f*****. Because there isn't one of you to spot whilst the other snipes or attacks a base or does practically anything, you are at severe disadvantage. Plus as a lone wolf it is very hard to get anywhere without being taken out. Having played as both lone wolf and in a 15 man squad, it really is too easy for huge groups. Removing ALL thermal vision would make this game a lot harder as people would actually need to look for targets and not just 360 quickly in thermal. 2. No one is going to actually vote NO to thermal - because they find it is so easy to use, so it would never change. I haven't seen much issue with currency though. If you want to make currency there are plenty of ways. It just gets 100% harder to do it on your own especially with safezone campers. Maybe you could implement a feature where you can sell vehicles at gas stations or something?
  11. the

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    What is your timezone (and what standard of time) I take it you play around 7pm? I am now clanless so looking for new players.
  12. the

    Banned from every Exile server?

    How can skype cause BE bans? Most of the world has Skype installed these days.
  13. the

    Spotify playlists

    Nice, my new pair of Philips X2's arrive today. Monstercat will sound good through them. Floorstanders just don't cut it for me anymore.
  14. the

    Server recomendation

    Arma 2 and 3 are all about core speed, arma 3 only uses 2 cores at best, it is simply not optimised for core speed. So how can you trust companies that claim to run 100 players on 24 core 2.1ghz cpu's?
  15. the

    Server recomendation

    Used redstation in the past, significantly more than your budget though (although they do cheaper plans).
  16. I regulary have over 100k pop tabs. Make the most by shooting people out of their vehicles and selling them. Hell I made 65k on my own with none of my group logged on one day by doing this. Lynx + well placed shot into vehicle, then steal vehicle and sell it + contents. Easy money. Do this 2-3 times! Also wait for people to unlock their vehicles, kill them, sell vehicle. Wait for people to land helicopters, do the same. Making cash is easy. But what you suggest just makes it super easy for a big group to steamroll people as a big group will have pay2win and a lone warrior will have...a pistol.
  17. All you are doing with "realistic" prices is punishing lone or small groups. Even with insane prices this would not be a problem for our 15 man group in a few hours, which would be unfair on a small group wouldn't it? Especially as the bigger groups steamroll the smaller groups, looting everything down to the last bullet because everything costs so much?
  18. the

    Remove thermal.

    As much as thermal is great it is seriously OP in this game especially with VD set to 3km. I propose the game would be much better without thermal binoculars and/or thermal scopes such as Nightstalker, TWS and TWS MG. Thoughts?
  19. the

    Remove thermal.

    I have over 45k respect on one server gained soley from PVP, so I don't have a "PVE" mentality. I just think it takes some of the skill away from the game, you can't sneak up to people, they can't sneak up on you either, because everyone can see each other >1.5km away.
  20. the

    Sons of Anarchy | OPEN AS F**K

    When you say marksmen do you mean sniper? I am interested, I fly a lot of littlebirds for my squad and my only real role other than that is sniping, primarily Lynx for vehicle takedowns but I am familiar with them all. The last few weeks I have got a lot of 2-3 try, 2.4km kills with Lynx + LRPS; and by kills I mean vs infantry who are zig zagging, so leading and elevation. Sadly there is no windage in arma 3 without further addons, but I am familiar with arma 2 windage, elevation, and factoring decreased velocity at long ranges, as well as concealment (as much as this mod allows with thermal everything). I am not sure if I am looking for a squad however. I play as part of a 5-15man squad however a lot of these people will be playing Star Wars when it is out by EA, as I have noticed from just the beta today. I have no interest in anything EA makes/publishes because I detest their company, so if everyone moves on to that, I will be sticking with Arma 3.
  21. the

    Y U Try To Glitch issue? (via 'Coconut')

    Same issue with wooden crates near vehicles.
  22. the


    Found a bug today. Game won't let me buy aircraft. Says "error: Could not purchase aircraft - 13" This was for a Cessna. Tried some different passwords and didn't work at all. Plus - you should consider a proper bug/issue subforum. Unfortunatly I have to not play anymore for three months due to work so I can't follow up on the bug.