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Everything posted by Freaknastii

  1. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop (Part 2)

    since you shut down my last thread before i could make a decent argument for my point I figured I would try again, My point for wanting/needing a Steam workshop download so that we can keep Exile up to date as your updates roll out is: 1. so everyone has the same version 2. it is kept up to date and only updates when you update it 3. so you have more control over what is done with your product ( I will explain, because I have read your concerns on the ask a Dev section) My explanation/rebuttal for your case against putting it on the Steam workshop is, you put out your Mod like Domination, insurgency, and Invade and Annex mods, anyone who has been playing Arma for a while has a PBO cracker and can pretty much read, adjust, and rewrite your game code. There isn't anything you can do about it due to the BI terms of use other than keep putting out more updates. So, for those of us that would like to play a canon version of Exile it would be much easier to keep up to date. As for it becoming someone elses property, your fears are kind of like trying to un-shave a cat, putting a raincoat on while swimming , or trying to get a bullet back after pulling the trigger. There is no doubt that you are the developer(s) and are doing a great job otherwise I wouldn't even ask. On the other hand if you had released the mod like DayZ mod or Breaking Point, with its own Hive(s) I could Understand and even agree with you that maybe you shouldn't put it on Steam workshop, But as you can check into Breaking point is on the workshop and they keep it up to date through the workshop but no one can do anything with it because they have their own servers and their own Hive. I am not saying that exile should go to the same lengths, I am only pointing out that your rebuttal that it becomes someone elses property is kind of silly since you kind of made it community property in a way.
  2. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop (Part 2)

    you can set it up so it does not auto update. Using the workshop is manually installing your mods, without as many steps the only difference is you do not have to go to armaholic to download a zip file and open it into your folder. the workshop puts it right into your Launcher and your arma 3 file. I know about manually installing mods My Arma 2 folder was almost 70 gigs and I installed every mod manually. A3Launcher is just a clone of six Launcher which I never really liked, 6 updater was a much better program but the people who bought Arma 2 for DayZ didn't know how to install their mods and six launcher was born. I just figure since BI gave us a launcher and the steam workshop will handle the mods why not try to keep them updated through that medium, besides it being extremely time consuming to have to go to all the different websites to keep your mods updated Installing and rewriting all of your mods every time someone updates the movement for picking your nose in game.
  3. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop (Part 2)

    A3 launcher only gives you the version that is on the server, so it really isn't the latest version all the time now is it?
  4. Freaknastii

    A few remarks from the 135hrs POV

    I kind of like the need of a can opener, you can buy one in the safe zone if you cannot find one but there are other options to eat as well, but I can see your point when I started playing this mod you did not need a can opener. As for Namalsk I think the more maps the better, and if you add more immersion it makes for a better game (up to a point).
  5. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop

    I just looked and there doesn't seem to be a steam workshop entry for EXILE so we can stay current on the mod without having to come to the forums every time you guys update the mod. are there any plans to Implement a Steam workshop entry? If not, could you make one?
  6. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop

    AHH I C we have to break it down to kinderspeak, Your reply says "The A3 Devs finally presented a really nice update for the Arma 3 Launcher will you maybe rethink adding Exile to the Workshop?" let us break it down so you can understand it, they are explaining that the devs updated Arma 3 here "The A3 Devs finally presented a really nice update for the Arma 3 Launcher," and they are asking them to add it to the workshop Here, "will you maybe rethink adding Exile to the Workshop?" SO as you see my feedback was not Un-Waranted, due to the placement of the other article.
  7. Freaknastii

    Steam Workshop

    Hey Goblin read your reply quote REAL CAREFULLY. Get back to me if you need me to explain the wording.
  8. The server admin are in charge of weather you get a hud crosshair or not I dont know exactly where it is on Arma 3 but it was always in the server options in Arma 2 (server options are always on the role/character select screen, in the upper right hand corner) the only people who can change the server options are server admin before anyone loads in and before the map goes live,
  9. Freaknastii


    Data file to short 'C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Exile\addons\gnt_185.pbo'. Expected 19464319 B, got 19320922 B I just downloaded the mod 2 times and this is what I get as an error.
  10. Freaknastii


    i get that message when i launch the game