Server auto restart do not work Exile 0.9.6 Pomelo + Nalmask, pease help
I followed this tutorial to build a private server:
Lauch:Exile Auto Start.bat
@echo off
color 0a
title Exile Monitor
echo Launching Server
cd "C:\Arma\Server"
echo Exile Server Monitor... Active !
start "Arma3" /min /wait arma3server.exe -mod=@exile;Kart;Mark;Heli;@Namalsk; -servermod=@exileserver; -
config=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2314 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=SC -
ping -n 15 >NUL
echo Exile Server Shutdown ... Restarting!
ping -n 5 >NUL
goto Serverstart
original config.cpp
class Time
// Uses Dedicated Server time as ingame Time
useRealTime = 0;
// Will overide RealTime
useStaticTime = 1;
// time in ARMA FORMAT << CONFIG
staticTime[] = {2039,10,24,15,30};
class RCON
Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled
// This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword
serverPassword = "";
// Autolocks server until its ready to accept players
useAutoLock = 0;
// Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes)
restartAutoLock = 3;
Number of hours and minutes of your restart period.
{4, 0} = Every 4 hours
{1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?)
restartTimer[] = {3, 0};
Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss.
We strongely recommend to use this!
0 = off
1 = on
useAutoKick = 0;
Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did
not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two
kickTime = 2;
0 = off
1 = on
useRestartMessages = 0;
Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players.
Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested.
restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3};
If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown',
to try to shutdown the server
useShutdown = 0;
Test modified config.cpp
class Time
// Uses Dedicated Server time as ingame Time
useRealTime = 1;
// Will overide RealTime
useStaticTime = 0;
// time in ARMA FORMAT << CONFIG
staticTime[] = {2016,3,24,15,30};
class RCON
Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled
// This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword
serverPassword = "kato";
// Autolocks server until its ready to accept players
useAutoLock = 0;
// Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes)
restartAutoLock = 3;
Number of hours and minutes of your restart period.
{4, 0} = Every 4 hours
{1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?)
restartTimer[] = {1, 0};
Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss.
We strongely recommend to use this!
0 = off
1 = on
useAutoKick = 1;
Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did
not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two
kickTime = 2;
0 = off
1 = on
useRestartMessages = 1;
Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players.
Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested.
restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3};
If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown',
to try to shutdown the server
useShutdown = 1;
Is there a script "setDate" or time format mistake?