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About Cyclops

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  1. On some servers if you don't log in within a certain time limit, say 30 days, the players stats and items are wiped from the database...This includes flag ownership. Our group had this very thing happen. The active player who originally planted the flag just stopped playing. Everyone on the flag was promoted and could maintain and upgrade the base; but after 30 days the flag and base vanished when the original owner never logged in. It would be nice to have a way to transfer the flag ownership to another player on the flag. If there is a way to do this, i haven't found it anywhere. I notice I also have a "kick" option for the original flag owner in the UI. What actually happens if I kick the original flag owner, will the base despawn?
  2. Cyclops

    New Respect System - Part 2

    Well I hope dying to building pieces doesn't count as a respect death. I can't count the amount of times i "glitch" out coming down stairs in my base tower and die for "unknown reason". 1/3 of deaths I have are base/stair related.
  3. Cyclops

    Base Raiding Feedback

    Just curious, is the plan to "take over a flag" or "remove/destroy" a flag? Destroying a flag seems a bit extreme, especially a high level one. If a base is raided, the flag destroyed and requires the original owner to plant a new level 1 flag and use new respect to get it back to the former level.... most people won't bother. That will simply drive people off servers. Rather see a mechanic where people can "take over a flag" for a reset, requiring the original owners to take it back, but retaining the previous flag levels. Perhaps capturing the flag can give the attackers a respect reward, and spawn a crate with a tool that lasts one reset for "unlocking" a safe. Just curious what the devs come up with.
  4. Cyclops

    Car Keys and Locking

    I'm against Keys, the pin system is much easier and currently works fine, especially for groups. Multiple glitches in Arma 3 and some in exile still cause items to disappear. Introducing keys will cause frustration for players when they vanish and more work for server admins. keys were one of the biggest frustrations in arma 2 dayz, why would you add them for exile?
  5. Cyclops

    Disappearing Ammo

    yeah I've lost so much ammo since the last patch it's not funny. I try and dump everything in a storage crate before I log off but forget sometimes. Hope this is fixed ASAP.
  6. Cyclops

    Vehicle lock state is not saving on restart

    How do you know the vehicles weren't blown up as opposed to being stolen?
  7. Just wondering if there are plans in future patches to prevent locks from disappearing when upgrading a wall with a lock, or moving a wall with a lock? It's best to put a lock on a wall after it's upgraded, but often we need to redesign bases once we upgrade the flag level. Locks are pretty damn expensive to buy every time you need to redecorate. Hope to see locks either persist on walls or at least go into your inventory so you can add it afterwards.