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Everything posted by Jawdan

  1. Jawdan

    Loot Position Tool

    Hello, I managed to scavenge this helpful tool from the old forums via looking through some cached pages. Originally By Eichi and Darth Rogue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Place this PBO in ‘C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 – Other Profiles\[YOUR GAME NAME]\missions\ Step 2: Start up Arma 3 with the map you want to get loot positions for, go into the editor and load up the lootPos mission. Step 3: Go around to whatever buildings you want to have loot and go inside them. Step 4: Hit ‘3’ to place a marker Step 5: Hit ‘5’ to obtain a loot position Step 6: Alt-Tab out and paste the coords into your text editor of choice Step 7: Go back into the game Step 8: Hit ‘7’ to delete the marker You can obtain as many loot positions for each building as you want. Repeat steps 3-8 for all relevant buildings. Once you’ve compiled the positions for all the buildings then copy them all into the Exile loot table and DONE! Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wwsdxw16pdoh2ts/LootPosTool.Esseker.pbo?dl=0
  2. Jawdan

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    I volunteer as tribute.
  3. Jawdan

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    Altis is like the most depressing map in the world, it's like "Hey, unless in you're in a town, we're just going to drop destroyed buildings and emptiness around you wherever you go" and then it's just dark and miserable on top of that; and boy when it's raining you might aswell just stop playing for your own safety.
  4. Jawdan

    [EVENT] Abandoned Safe Script

    This would be really cool, all the blood shed that could happen for a lone chem light in a safe :D
  5. Jawdan

    Cup Weapon Class Names

  6. Jawdan

    Waiting for release...

    I'll just leave this here.
  7. Jawdan

    Waiting for release...

    I Googled this expecting it to be a fake but holy shit. I'm presuming this never took off.
  8. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    You don't need to buy the DLC to use the weapons.
  9. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    I...I...I don't even.
  10. Jawdan

    Waiting for release...

    Excuse the Adblock, I donated because I felt ashamed, forgive me ;_:
  11. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    End of the day, if you don't like the change and want it in your server; happiness is two slashes away ;_;
  12. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    I agree with you on the good defense for vehicles as most servers don't tend to offer RPG's etc... to counter them but as for the counterweight for the Lynx then that's where it gets ridiculous and a good thing they were removed by default. The only counter for a Sniper should be a Sniper, may the best man win, not some dude that's sitting 1.2KM away firing pop shots with a SPMG.
  13. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    You're beginning to sound like a 12 year old, and you're right this is no 'skillz'. Holding down the trigger - 700M away: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wGwr0bWOGA&feature=youtu.be [Youtube Link is still buffering]
  14. Jawdan

    SPMG/Navid removed by default in RC

    Although I can see your point about Exile being a framework and all but you've got to remember that there are some people that run Exile servers that might not have a clue what they're doing when it comes to editing PBO's and such, therefore I don't mind and agree with Exile Dev's removing certain guns as it makes the experience for these certain people a lot better as they're not being mowed down by a LMG that is literally a 'point and click' gun. It caters for both parties, people that know what they're doing can add these guns back in 5 minutes if they so wish, people that don't know what they're doing can remain not knowing what they're doing and still have fun :)
  15. Jawdan

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    Ah right! - okay, I think we're getting somewhere. You changed the map name in the buildingReplacement.sqf script? - It's somewhere near the bottom there's two instances of 'Chernarus' just change them to Taviana if you haven't. CTRL+F is a god ;D
  16. Jawdan

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    and you're doing this for Chernarus right? - not Esseker or Chenarus_Winter?
  17. Jawdan

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    You have #include "scripts\buildingReplacement.sqf" in a init.sqf file right? - I came across this bug and I think I fixed it by doing that and not trying to put it in InitServer or whatever. It's either that or I did something without even realising, I was tired.
  18. Jawdan

    [SOLVED] Infistar Updates question *answered*

    I personally don't have InfiStar and don't know how it works but what I do know is that's it's a form of Anti-Cheat and therefor guessing if you wait for an Anti-Cheat to update in one go instead of when it needs to... it kinda defeats the point of a Anti-Cheat; could be wrong though
  19. Jawdan

    Fixed wing aircraft love

    Tanoa looks great for Exile
  20. Jawdan

    island name

    No problem :)
  21. Jawdan

    island name

    It would go under Class Markers; for example, where you want your Admin Island it would be: class Markers { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={16699.871,12.778352,13578.557}; name="Admin1"; text="Admin Island"; type="mil_box"; colorName="ColorBlack"; a=1.2; b=1.2; }; }; Giving you this in game: https://i.gyazo.com/ff4cf510cefaba5110ce9b6615de5f9e.jpg
  22. Jawdan

    island name

    Just place a marker over the island in the editor and save it towards your mission file; thirty seconds work.
  23. Jawdan

    Water base

    Effort ;_;