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  1. Trenchfoot

    How to build custom trader zones

    First are they part of different classes? The first one is a sensor class and the last one I posted is a marker class. On your markers your a= and b= are very small, like only 3 meters by 3 meters. So it would probably be very hard to see on the map I would think. The first bit of code I posted would not show anything on the map, but it would trigger the safe zone message. The second bit of code is what actually shows it on the map. Message me with the whole mission.sqm. It might be easier for me to check it then. Plus I feel bad highjacking this very useful thread. Edit: @spear I wanted to thank you for the excellent video. Was everything I needed to get my traders going on the map I'm working on.
  2. Trenchfoot

    How to build custom trader zones

    @Ephox Open up your mission.sqm and paste the following in: Paste that right after the first class Intel. Find the ruff center of where you want the safe zone to be from the map editor, you don't need to use your file, just one of the same map, write down the X,Y,Z and replace them after position[] = X,Z,Y. If it doesn't show on the map as well paste the following in: I have that as part of the markers class, just change the position[] = X,Z,Y to match the one from the sensors. Also make sure that the 'a =' and 'b =' fields match because they control the size of the area of the safe zone and the map marker. Hope this helps. Edit: All I did was copy the format from the Exile.Altis mission file if anybody is wondering where I found it at.
  3. Trenchfoot


    I have a Bornholm mission file setup with spawns right now, the loot spawns are in a different file not related to the mission file if I remember correctly. Only thing my Bornholm mission file is missing right now is traders. When I get home from work I could seen it too you as it is right now if you want, but that will be several hours from now. Let me know.
  4. Trenchfoot

    New Building Parts

    I was thinking about the same thing after spotting a script for sandbags on armaholic. Glad to see you are working on this, I would hate to try and navigate that maze myself. Really looking forward to seeing what you create. Good luck.
  5. Trenchfoot

    Buy Taru Pods

    Would it be possible to attach the Taru pods while they are sling loaded, instead of having to land on them?
  6. Trenchfoot

    Backpack on chest?

    I saw this on Armaholic today. Might be what you are looking for, or at least the right direction.