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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Spartan

    Exile Price Balancing Worksheet

    Note: I found an error where one of the ammo classnames was repeated instead of picking up another. It's corrected in the worksheet now. Hello friends, I created a spreadsheet on Google Docs to help with balancing prices on our servers, especially with the new 0.9.4 release coming and the major adjustment in vehicle prices. How it Works: There are two tabs (or sheets) to the spreadsheet. The INPUT tab is where all the relevant data is entered and used to calculate prices according to formulas specific to the class types. Some types, like backpacks, lend themselves to using simple calculations. For other classes, the calculations are a little more complicated, but not too crazy. Of course some classes require manual entry. The easiest way to get started modifying prices to suit your server is to adjust the "Base" number in the boxes for each of the classes that have them. If you change the "Base" number you should see the effect flow through that particular class. You can fine tune your pricing by adjusting the formula used within the class (if you know your way around spreadsheets a little bit). The second tab is the OUTPUT tab which will populate your pricing and quality changes from the INPUT tab automatically. Once you're done tweaking your prices, you should be able to copy the pricing data generated on the OUTPUT tab and paste it into the relevant spot in your mission config.cpp. As you know, the next Exile update will allow you to set a custom sales price for each item that will override the general sales price configuration. I've added some conditional formatting on the OUTPUT tab where you can enter a custom sales price for any specific item and it will automatically produce the correct code for you. If you leave it alone or enter 0, it will use the default. Mod Content: Those of you who use mods like RSH, MAS, TRYK, HLC, etc. will need to add relevant classnames and data from those mods (assuming you care to have consistent and logical pricing like me). I recommend you add this data on the INPUT tab and create the links from the INPUT tab to the OUTPUT tab for the new data so your worksheet doesn't get buggered and lead to bad stuff in your mission config.cpp. If you look at the OUTPUT tab you can see how I did it. Notes: There are some Exile items that are unsaleable by default. If you want to make these items saleable or add them to your traders, you can do it by adding them on this worksheet or manually adding them to your mission config.cpp. Some Preaching: If you are new to this, I recommend you take some time trying to balance all your prices. Having a 45,000 tab vehicle on the map, and having sniper rifles that cost 800 tabs is a recipe for player boredom, especially with sale prices set at 50% of the purchase price. It doesn't always relate directly, but I try to think about real world prices. What would a high quality sniper rifle and scope cost? I own a decent 7.62 long-range rifle and I can tell you the scope alone was $2-3k US, the rifle was another $3k US and a few other addons set me back even more. (It's a FN SPR A3G if you're curious). A Gen 3 PVS-14 night vision MONOcular will set you back $3k US. In Exile, you are on a prison island buying at a mafia controlled trader or on the black market. I'd think their prices would border on extortionate. Also consider lowering the sale price percentage significantly. Or just do what you want, but try to think a little longer term. Feedback: If you see any errors, please let me know and I will fix them. (Not liking my default pricing on the spreadsheet is not an error, you can easily change it to whatever you want). Link: You can copy or download the spreadsheet from this link and use to your heart's desire.
  2. Spartan

    Strange Player Bug

    I had a strange incident today where a player placed a territory flag and went to build and was notified he was in enemy territory. So, he disconnected and reconnected to see if that would help and he loaded in on an island in the middle of nowhere and couldn't do anything. I check him in the player DB and everything looked fine, he wasn't dead and his recorded position was near his flag, not on the island. I wasn't able to figure out how to help him except by deleting him from the player table and having him fresh spawn. Here are some selections I found in the server log that may be related: 18:52:56 Exile_Construction_Flag_Preview: Flag - unknown animation source flag <-- placing his flag? 18:56:57 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:3174 not found <-- right after he logged, i get this a lot after players log off, figured it was typical Then when he re-logged: 18:57:20 Error in expression <m_Codelock",1]],[],13122,6624,17,6,""]]]> 18:57:20 Error position: <> 18:57:20 Error Missing ] 18:57:20 Error in expression <m_Codelock",1]],[],13122,6624,17,6,""]]]> 18:57:20 Error position: <> 18:57:20 Error Missing ] 18:57:20 Error in expression <eateGroup independent; _player = _group createUnit ["Exile_Unit_Player", _positi> 18:57:20 Error position: <createUnit ["Exile_Unit_Player", _positi> 18:57:20 Error Type Any, expected Number 18:57:20 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf, line 21 He tried relogging once or twice with the same error above and then this: 18:59:20 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Incorrect Number of Inputs" 18:59:20 Error in expression <se_handleBig; }; }; ((_result select 1) select 0) select 0> 18:59:20 Error position: <select 0) select 0> 18:59:20 Error Generic error in expression 18:59:20 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField.sqf, line 27 18:59:20 Error in expression <se_handleBig; }; }; ((_result select 1) select 0) select 0> 18:59:20 Error position: <select 0) select 0> 18:59:20 Error Generic error in expression 18:59:20 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField.sqf, line 27 Had him try a few more times while I was watching the logs and the errors alternated between the two above. Some relevant snips from the DB logs: [18:59:20:294207 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Trace: UniqueID: 1 Input: hasAlivePlayer: [18:59:20:294207 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Input String hasAlivePlayer: [18:59:20:294207 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Incorrect Number of Inputs: Expected: 1 Got: 0 [18:59:20:294207 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: Output to Server: [0,"Error Incorrect Number of Inputs"] and [18:58:47:245317 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: Input from Server: 0:463809:hasAlivePlayer:UID [18:58:47:245317 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Trace: UniqueID: 1 Input: hasAlivePlayer:UID [18:58:47:312321 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Warning: Number of Output Options: 1, Number of SQL Columns: 0, this warning only exists in Debug Version. Its just to let you know of a possible mistake [18:58:47:312321 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Trace: UniqueID: 1 Result: [1,[[true]]] [18:58:47:312321 +00:-1] [Thread 2920] extDB2: Output to Server: [1,[[true]]] FYI. If anyone knows of a fix for this, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just keep an eye out.
  3. Spartan

    Deleting a player from the DB

    I just look at the data in HeidiSQL, find the affected row, right click and delete the row.
  4. Spartan

    New update bugs - Devs please read

    @Austin Players may have overbuilt their territory levels due to the bug that made a level 1 territory able to build to the max level 2 territory number of objects, and so on. Sounds like that was fixed in this update, but someone who was over the intended limit before might have problems.
  5. Spartan

    Database Problem

    When you merged the extdb-conf.ini you likely replaced the credentials needed to connect to your database, so the server can't connect. Check there. (Did that myself on a past update).
  6. Spartan

    Bicycle bogs down on some bridges

    Not only that but riding a bike across a bridge often damages the player. Think its an Arma issue though, not Exile.
  7. Spartan

    Tracked Vehicles

    I agree.
  8. Spartan

    Question about RCON Chat protocoll

    O/T, hey @Torndeco thanks for extdb2. Just amazing.
  9. Spartan

    MySQL issues

    I think everybody is getting spammed with the Server: object not found messages. It would be awesome if someone could figure out how to fix that. I dont think it has anything to do with the database though.
  10. Spartan


    Cheap launchers and high vehicle prices don't mix very well. But all of that is configurable by the server owner.
  11. Spartan

    Exile Price Balancing Worksheet

    You've been busy.
  12. Spartan

    0.9.4: Add LMGs back in

    Not exactly sure. I've heard some wondering whether it was related to how heavy your inventory is when you log in (related to the Arma stamina updates), but I have no idea.
  13. Spartan

    Inventories becoming messed up?

    You are not alone, my friend.
  14. Spartan

    0.9.4: Add LMGs back in

    Uncomment the lines in your mission config.cpp where the buy/sell prices are listed (this lets them be bought or sold generally), or add them there if they are missing, and make sure the classnames are added down below in the config.cpp to the armory trader (this puts them in the trader). Sounds like they are already showing up in your loot spawns. The ammo disappearing is likely caused by the ammo bug everyone, including me, is reporting.
  15. Does anyone else get this in their server log upon startup? 19:05:02 "ExileServer - Loading vehicles from database..." 19:05:03 Error: Wheel reference not initialized
  16. Spartan

    Disappearing Ammo

    @GR8 Same here.
  17. Spartan

    exile vehicle repair script question

    Did you try removing the quotes around the part? When the Exile code runs the for each or w/e for _x what does the for each refer to? ( On mobile so cant look anything up, but thats where I'd start.)
  18. Spartan

    Loot not spawning

    TS, a few of your categories look off to me, such as military and tourist. Notice how the sum on most of the categories is right at 10000 or a whisker thereof? We were looking at this the other day and if I recall the new loot spawn system generates a number between 0 and 10k and uses that to figure out what to spawn. If your tables include a category that only goes up to 3200 or whatnot, if the system pulls a number > 3201 (most likely out of 10k), I think the player will get the notification that loot spawned but nothing will spawn. This is why people trying to use their old loot setups are having trouble. As far as the cause for yours, red ned might be right. If you look in the Tools part of the forum you'll find a link to a google spreadsheet online where I have the input and output for my loot files. Feel free to examine them.
  19. Spartan

    Loot not spawning

    Can you post your cfgloottable in a spoiler?
  20. Spartan

    implementing custom code, how to do this?

    It's hard to say without seeing more of your script and knowing what you are trying to do. Here is a simple function I use for my score system. All it does really is call the database and return a player's Survival Score. The UNR_fnc_getScore.sqf is initialized in a serverside PBO that contains all the scripts and functions for the server that the score system needs. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unrest Survival Score System for Arma 3 Exile Mod by Spartan //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: UNR_fnc_getScore - gets a player's survival score from the DB // Usage: _playerUID call UNR_fnc_getScore; // Parameters: _this : _playerUID // Returns: _survivalScore private["_survivalScore"]; _survivalScore = format["getAccountSurvivalScore:%1", _this] call ExileServer_system_database_query_selectSingleField; _survivalScore You can see in the header of the file how the function is used. (I like to document it in the function because I know I will forget stuff later). From any file on the server I can just get the player's UID, then have a line that says: _survivalScore = _playerUID call UNR_fnc_getScore; and I'll get the player's survival score from the database and can use it. But, a client cannot call this function unless it is whitelisted in the mission description.ext, in the same way that the Exile messaging system and, for instance, one of the AVS functions are. On the other hand, if I have a function that only the client needs to run, I can put it in my mission PBO and initialize it in initplayerlocal.sqf like so: UNR_fnc_animMatrix = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "unrest\functions\UNR_fnc_animMatrix.sqf"; (This particular function is one John put together to pick the correct animation for certain actions the player can do). Then the client can call this function anytime and use it for whatever. Not sure if that answers your question exactly, but hope it helps. I'm also not claiming this is gospel, just my understanding and it seems to be working for me.
  21. Spartan

    Exile Price Balancing Worksheet

    You'll notice some locked tabs on the sheet now, in addition to the ones that've always been there. Those are my personal config setup and loot tables, just in case anyone finds them helpful. I'm trying to keep what's live in my server on there, so I can attest they are functioning properly.
  22. Spartan

    Esseker Exile - problem with AiA?

    @red_ned When I get those messages in my RPT, I just add them to the mission.sqm file as you have indicated until I don't get the messages anymore. If there is a handy list for the mod, I'll put them all in at the beginning. Otherwise, I just pick them out of the RPT. As I understand it, by doing this, you will prevent players from being able to join the server if they do not have that particular mod enabled (which is what you typically want).
  23. Spartan

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Thanks for working on this @Dizzturbed. I need to get this working again, but haven't had time to delve into it.
  24. Spartan

    AI missions

    VEMF for the town invasion missions.
  25. Spartan

    BattleEye kick destription #38