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Everything posted by Tradewell20

  1. Tradewell20

    RHS Vehicle Nuke

    Hey everyone, I just put the RHSUSAF and ARAF pack in my server, I am trying to make a mission that used the Nuke launcher to make a mission but when it shoots the nuke in the air when it hits the ground it disappears? No explosion or anything, just poof, gone? Any ideas why it just disappears?
  2. Tradewell20

    Day time/Night time?

    So this is probably a dumb question but I cant figure out how to get a daytime and night time cycle? or at least some night time gameplay. does anyone know how to set this up?
  3. Tradewell20

    Custom Traders/Spawns/Rad Zone Help

    Hey I am trying to make a Chernarus Redux custom map for my server and for the life of me cant get it to work =\ the closest i have got to making it work is when the server boots up it says "max players have been reached" but im the only one getting on at the moment? ive gone through everything and obviously im missing something and its over my head so if someone could please help me that would be great! I already have my map made and everything in 3den. I just dont know how to port it to my server correctly and get it to work =/ Please help
  4. Tradewell20

    Napf Island A3

    Does anyone on here have a stock MPmissions.pbo for this map? Exile.Napf.pbo? I've looked high and low for one and all i find are heavily modified ones with 30 traders and 50956965 items and scripts up the butt, I am just looking for a plane stock MPmission.pbo for this map, no traders, no spawnzones, nothing.
  5. Tradewell20

    Vanilla Napf Mission.sqm

    Does anyone have just a plain jane Exile.Napf file? not one that has a ton of mods already on it, or one that is 5 versions outdated. Just a plain Vanilla one? I've been trying to "unmod" one of them but it wont work because im sure i have missed some file out of the 4000 files they have on it.
  6. Tradewell20

    Create Spawner

    So anyone know how to do this or teach it?
  7. Tradewell20

    Create Spawner

    Hey does anyone know how to create a spawner from scratch? Not spawn points for players but a custom spawner for say zombies or whatever?
  8. Tradewell20

    Creepy Night Fog for Exile

    I thought they said it didnt work, so I was just checking to see if this version does work or if someone else had a better working version, and does that just replace the old one anyways?
  9. Tradewell20

    Creepy Night Fog for Exile

    I have the creepy fog on right now and it doesnt kill any frames at all for me... but i need to make it so when you leave the ground (in a heli) the fog disappears, anyone figure out how to do that?
  10. Tradewell20

    Creepy Night Fog for Exile

    Did anyone figure out how to make it so that when your character goes 1-5 meters off the ground that the fog stops? For flying in heli/plane purposes. Because I love this script but it is a little weird when you see a heli flying over with a cloud of fog following its every direction.
  11. Tradewell20

    How to place USS carrier and destroyer on water

    ya but when you do that it breaks the ships into pieces and shifts them, and then on top of that i have an aircraft trader on the carrier and i cant spawn aircrafts on the carrier because of "code 13" and I have the script that spawns it in a specific place and then when i spawn in aircrafts as the admin they spawn down on the water instead of the ship. Trust me I have tried that way and it still doesn't work
  12. I have tried to place the USS carrier and destroyer on water but every time i do it they rotate 90 degrees and sink to the bottom of the ocean =/ that happens every time I put them in the initserver.sqf the only way i have figured out how to get them to stay above water is by putting them in the mission.sqm and when I do that the ship looks like it is in pieces and you cant spawn aircrafts on them? So i need to figure out how to get both the carrier and destroyer on my map without them sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
  13. Tradewell20

    Create Spawner

    Because I would rather create mine from scratch? I know that there is ExileZ and all that but I would just prefer to learn it and do it myself and have exactly what I want, instead of close to what I want
  14. Tradewell20

    Permanent Mission on Map

    I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a permanent mission that stays on the map? I am trying to create an area in 3DEN that has about 40 AI and loot crates that at restart everything comes back. But when i use the Exile feature to get the serverinit, localplayerinit, and mission, all the AI (OPFOR) dont transfer over? Does anyone know how to do this?
  15. Tradewell20

    Permanent Mission on Map

    @Z80CPU Or can I at least have a custom loot box set down at the beginning of every restart with a select bunch of weapons and gear? I've been trying to do that and it sets my FTP off like crazy when i have a "nato ammo box" set down with weapons in it
  16. Tradewell20

    Permanent Mission on Map

    Ya i tried to do that though and when i go to extract the localplayerinit and serverinit, it leaves all the OPFOR (Red guys) guys out that i have in the mission? And I want it to spawn on the same building every time ha its like Fort Knox if you can get in and survive, you will have a good chunk of loot. But ya idk i will give the map editing a go again and see if i missed something, but i have no idea how to get them ported over, it just takes all the AFF guys ("Green guys"traders, guards, etc.) and leaves the rest.
  17. Tradewell20

    Adding mods to traders interfering with InfiSTAR

    Thank you very much, i combed through that thing like crazy and missed it 60 times... thats what happens when you stare at a screen for 12 hours straight =\
  18. Does anyone have a solution to this, every single time i add modded content to the traders infistar freaks out in my FTP and says that i am missing infistar_defines.hpp which has absolutely nothing to do with what im doing. My infistar is all set up correct and everything seeing how one of infistars techs installed it so i know thats not the case, what i dont understand is when i add stuff like TRYK gear and SMA/NiArms to my traders to sell, infistar says im missing content, which has absolutely nothing to do with that... this is what it says in my FTP 14:24:36 "<> 0 - infiSTAR_defines.hpp is not in your MPMission or you forgot to #include it within your description.ext [28144x2 - 17-07-2018 15-05-31 - v93 - [DoomsDayZ]|Exile-DayZ|Chernarus-Redux| - [""Arma 3"",""Arma3"",182,144710,""Stable"",true,""Windows"",""x86""]]" But that is exactly where it needs to be, I've talked with infistar and the few people i have talked to have no idea, So if there is an Exile dev that knows why this happens when i customize the traders i would love to hear why.
  19. Tradewell20

    Adding mods to traders interfering with InfiSTAR

    Description.ext FTP Honest to god all I have done is added the class and what level it sell at and the price, added what category it will sell as, and put the category under the custom trader, thats it, and this happens every single time
  20. Tradewell20

    Blacklist loot spawn?

    I found it, at the very top of my missions folder i forgot to change the Items=14; to Items=16 for the new safezone i added, so it just ignored it.
  21. Tradewell20

    Blacklist loot spawn?

    Is there a way to blacklist loot spawn areas so it doesn't spawn in trader areas? Unless i don't have my traders set up right loot spawns in all the buildings inside the trade zone =|
  22. Tradewell20

    Make an option for gas stations

    I think it would be cool to add a feature where if you wanted, to get gas from a gas station it requires you getting a generator to pump gas from "abandoned gas stations". Right now people that have "DAYZ or Apocalypse" servers people can just fly into a gas station and fuel up and take off at mach 10 with no worry, which for those people that have fully militarized servers or whatever thats fine! But I want it to be a challenge for people to fill up their vehicles if they have them! So it would be cool if in the config files there was an option that you can turn on and off on what it requires to get gas from fuel tanks.
  23. Tradewell20

    Custom Trader help

    Is anyone willing to help or tell me how to make my custom traders work? I have a trader and everything all set and ready to be put on my server but for the life of me I cant get it to work. My FTP looks clear from what i can tell. I obviously am missing something somewhere but would appreciate if someone with a little more knowledge and know how to help me figure out why it wont work.
  24. Tradewell20

    Make an option for gas stations

    Yes that is exactly what I think it should be, you shouldnt be able to just sit in your car and it magically starts to refuel, I think that you should at least have to get out of the vehicle and interact with the pump or something, I remember back in ARMA 2 there was a script like what my original post talked about where you needed a generator and a fuel can (with fuel in it) you needed to craft a generator within like 5 meters of a gas station or one of the big fuel barrels, then you had to fuel the generator and start it, THEN you could pump gas out of the gas station or fuel barrel, and I would always forget to fill my Jerrycan again so when I needed to stop to fill up again I wouldn't be able to power the generator because I forgot to refill my jerrycan!
  25. Tradewell20

    Chernarus Redux Mission File w/Loot (Exile 1.0.4)

    i would not argue to a new one, otherwise i am gonna probably go through and create a whole new one