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  1. Snacklemore

    Discussion - HC Competitive Exile Server

    + a bunch of new vehicles (very awesome vehicles and aircraft) and weapons.
  2. Snacklemore

    New Vehicles & Weapons

  3. Snacklemore

    Discussion - HC Competitive Exile Server

    Sounds good, cant wait to see some results !
  4. Snacklemore

    Discussion - HC Competitive Exile Server

    Sounds promising.
  5. Snacklemore

    New Vehicles & Weapons

    About that attached scopes: They are also included?
  6. Snacklemore


    Looks like a corrupt profile.
  7. Snacklemore

    Is Exile a deathmatch or survival mod?

    The majority of players will always choose the easiest way.
  8. Snacklemore


    I think he is just confused by all these servers out there which are basically the same, modified by the respective community. Saying that CCG is "ignorant" or "arrogant" is just one side of the coin. The servers are mainly run by maca and he is not around often because of some RL stuff I think. Most of the staff is just not capable to do changes that goes beyond " add X from trader, remove Y from loottable" . Beside that they do a friggin gr8 job.
  9. Snacklemore

    Mod performance-optimization

    Breaking Point is using the second method. I played it alot and to be honest it was a horrible design. Glitching was easier than ever which led to the "protection" script which unloads all the object inside the building unless the owner enters the correct pincode. Your first idea sounds much better but I dont have the knowledge to evaluate the possible performance gain if there is any.
  10. Snacklemore


    So I was reading the latest ACEREP and they referred to a thing they might use in future version of ACE3. The "thing" is called Intercept and it sounds quite interesting. Thats a quote from the ACEREP#00004. More information here. Now could that be useful for Exile regarding compatibility and security and also overall performance? Regards
  11. Snacklemore

    CBA causing Bambi Creation Error

    Do not use a linux server. Do not use Tryk. Both do not run very well. For CBA I think you should read F1Schu´s post again.
  12. Snacklemore

    Machen wir Exile kaputt ?

    Da muss ich dem OP allerdings voll und ganz zustimmen. Die meisten Server verfolgen diesen Kurs mittlerweile, ich vermute aus Angst ihre Spieler zu verlieren wenn der Server zu schwer wird. CCG hat da meiner Meinung nach einen ganz guten Mittelweg gefunden mittlerweile.
  13. Snacklemore

    Eden Update

    The new editor is modable. I don´t know much about it, but maybe someone could write a plugin that allows export to SQF.
  14. Snacklemore

    Esseker Working Bridge

    They look even better. Which server? I am in touch with the brothers who are developing the current Esseker map. They moved to Ireland recently and got a few financial problems. I think they would appreciate some help, doesnt have to be money. Just check their website.
  15. Snacklemore

    Lustige Sache wenn Leute nicht mal stehlen können...

    Ja das geht natürlich gar nicht. Werde heute Abend mal mit Thoron reden, die sehen keinen cent von mir wenn sich das tatsächlich so bewahrheitet.