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About NickM67

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  1. NickM67

    Strider Storage capacity

    That would have to be Exile mod itself, as the Strider is an Exile specific vehicle (Exile_Car_Strider)
  2. I added the new RG33L's (M1232 and M1237) on my server, but purchasing them gives me an error 13. These are the only vehicles I have this issue with (RHS HEMMT's don't do this). Added to stock vehicle trader on Altis, also tried purchasing at western trader-same result. Pulled the classname from the editor, as nothing is published newer than 0.3.9, and these are new on 0.4.2. Any ideas?
  3. NickM67

    Armor Balancing?

    Also, you do know, IRL, 7.62 doesn't penetrate a rifle plate any better than 5.56, correct?
  4. NickM67

    Military grade weapons

    Pfft, speak for yourself!