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About HighPingBoy

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  1. HighPingBoy

    Spawning as a Dead Man

    Yeap, and I've tried to make new profiles as well but the same thing happens. I'm starting to think it's a Client-sided bug?
  2. HighPingBoy

    Spawning as a Dead Man

    So, I've been trying to play on this server I found(the only one with low enough ping) and I can't seem to play at all because of this bug. There seems to be 3 phases of bugs til I got here: Btw, the server only allows Hallo Jump spawns 1) Was playing fine then I died, so I respawned but I spawned in the air without chutes so *SPLAT* 2) I tried to join the server again a few hours later but this time I spawn as ''Knocked Out''. 3) This morning I tried again, but I spawn as a 'dead man', as seen in the pictures. Weirdly enough, the Hunger&Thirst HUD still drains. I've tried draining it to 0% for both and died, but you know, I had to respawn and the same thing happens. Solutions Me and the server admin tried: Me: 1) Verify Folder in Steam 2) Reinstall Arma 3 3) Reinstall all my mods 4) Deleting my profiles and made a new profiles(tried this about 4-5x) 5) Tried joining other servers, they're just fine, no prob like this. Server Admin: 1) Restarting the server. 2) Looking for the problem in the server database(No such luck) 3) Tried to ''kill'' my ''Dead Character'' using guns, explosives etc etc(No such luck)