So here is the most detailed and simplified guide how to add Custom Weapons to loottables using a compiler (in engrish): 1. Download: LootTable.h LootTableCompiler.exe 2. Create folder C:\Loot\ 3. Place both downloaded files there 4. Edit LootTable.h Get the class names of weapons/items you want to add and place them into this file using this format: > LootTableName
Spawn Chance %, Item Class Name
*Higher change -> More often Spawn
(Currenty there only 8 loottables (> CivillianLowerClass, > CivillianUpperClass, > Shop, > Industrial, > VehicleService, > Military, > Medical, > Tourist) Here is example of LootTable.h with inserted CUP weapons: LootTable.h 5. Open cmd.exe Type cd C:\Loot\ into cmd.exe window > Press Enter Type LootTableCompiler.exe C:\Loot\LootTable.h C:\Loot\LootTable.cpp > Enter If you done right you will see C:\Loot> in console. But if you done something wrong in LootTable.h there will be error message in console, in this case correct file and try again. 6. Compiler will create LootTable.cpp in C:\Loot\ folder starting from: class CfgLootTablesand ending with: };7. UnPBO your @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo file 8. Open @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\config.cpp file Replace whole class CfgLootTables with contens of C:\Loot\LootTable.cpp Save config.cpp 9. Delete your @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo file Make @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo from @ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config\ 10. UnPBO your mission file (by default it mpmission\Exile.Altis.pbo) Edit mpmission\Exile.Altis\config.cpp: Place all added to LootTable.h third party classes into class CfgExileArsenal and set up quality and price. 11. Delete mpmission\Exile.Altis.pbo file Make mpmission\Exile.Altis.pbo from mpmission\Exile.Altis\ 12. Done.