I keep freezing in the exile loading screen while trying to connect to my server. I see the "Group channel" appearing on the bottom for a few seconds.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Here's what I did:
- Installed the server using this tutorial: https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/24217-tutorial-linux-server-einrichten/
- copied all the mods I wanted to run into the arma3 folder (cba_a3, ryanszombies, cup_vehicles, cup_units, cup_weapons, Extended_Base_Addon)
My starting command:
./arma3server -cfg=@ExileServer/basic.cfg -config=@ExileServer/config.cfg -autoinit -mod=@Exile\; -servermod=@cba_a3\;@ExileServer\;@ryanzombies\;@Extended_Base_Mod\;@cup_units\;@cup_vehicles\;@cup_weapons\ >> serverlog.rpt
My config.cfg:
Addons in mission.sqm:
My serverlog.rpt:
Any ideas?