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About virginyeti

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  1. virginyeti

    This Server is amazing... the FPS is epic compared to other servers ive played on. the mod selection is great and the admins are always helpful andwilling to take ideas from the community. They need more people coming in and spreading the word to spark the community. but this server deserves atleast a checking out. some of the top servers on exile cant hold a candle o the performance of this server have 2000k+ hours on arma MANY dif game modes and servers under my belt....and this one shines at the top
  2. virginyeti

    jaegerhaus exile squad recruiting

    hey guys just looking for a good group of guys to play with, or anyone that maybe have the same wants in an exile experience... I'm not trying to advertise a server here but I have found an amazing one and the admins seem cool/helpful so far. and this is where I would like to continue to play. But I would like to have some reliable team mates to join with. if your interested in grouping up please let me know...or hell if you just wanna come see how awesome these dudes did an esseker exile server you should Lynix based server I push 50-80 fps ALWAYS and for me that's epic most servers are like 17-27 bluh...anyways if you would like to join me and raid some peoples just let me know :).... don't know if i'll get in trouble for this but heres the mod list to join the server so you can see if its something you would even enjoy..... their TS is