Jason Price

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  1. Jason Price

    Respawn base

    something liked this was in arma 2 dayz server i played on before exile. had it set up so if you died within 250m of your bed, spawn point, you could not use it, so if your base was being attacked you wasnt respawning there constantly. and also had it to use once per restart. personally not a fan of it but if majority of people wanted it, there are some ways like i have said to make it less OP.
  2. Jason Price

    Buyable Watercooler?

    True does take the boiling water away, but its a good perk to have if you got the tabs for it.
  3. Jason Price

    Buyable Watercooler?

    Hey guys At the moment I am Pretty sure the only way to get fresh water is from the watercoolers at traders or From the sea and then boil it. I and a few others from my community, thought it would be a good idea to add the watercooler to the trader? So players can buy one for their base? or maybe even add it to the crafting list. Would like to hear everyone else's thoughts?