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  1. chaveezy

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    Have this same issue, if you find a fix please let me know.
  2. chaveezy

    Donation Link in XM8 Apps

    Same issue, any fix?
  3. chaveezy

    4 Types of Side Events

    Hey guys, props to this development! Is there a way to have the weed farm as well as other events avoid spawning at trader zones? 
  4. chaveezy

    Harvest Weed

    Hey guys, props to this development! Is there a way to have the weed farm as well as other events avoid spawning at a trader zones?
  5. 1 meter didn't seem to do it, going to try 5m and let it fall into the water.. Redux elevations are so messed up it's not even funny... I think this is the right track though, just trial and error. Edit - 5m didn't work either, boats will porpoising all over the place. Guess it's a Redux issue..
  6. Does anyone know why occupation would do this with the boats? Running Chernarus Redux map;
  7. chaveezy

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    Outstanding!! Thank you so much @BaroN , I looked through the content and didn't see this one, just some fixes that Alexis put in. This solved it!
  8. chaveezy

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Hello! I'm getting a bunch of script errors with this when I sell now (just updated to the latest version). I merged the files as instructed and placed the pbo in the @ExileServer/addons directory. Seems to be hinging around line 57, which calls private _cargo = _crate call ExileClient_util_containerCargo_list Let me know if there's a fix for this. Thank you!
  9. chaveezy

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    Did anyone ever figure out a fix for this undefined variable in expression on line 31 of ExileClient_util_string_trim.sqf? This happens on store only, vehicle stores okay, just trying to clean up errors. /** * ExileClient_util_string_trim * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_input", "_inputLetters", "_inputLength", "_leftStartPosition", "_rightEndPosition", "_output", "_whitespaceCharacters", "_i", "_letter"]; _input = _this; _inputLetters = toArray _input; _inputLength = count _inputLetters; _leftStartPosition = 0; _rightEndPosition = _inputLength; _output = ""; _whitespaceCharacters = [9, 10, 13, 32]; for "_i" from 0 to _inputLength do { _letter = _inputLetters select _i; if !(_letter in _whitespaceCharacters) exitWith { _leftStartPosition = _i; }; }; for "_i" from _inputLength to 0 step -1 do { _letter = _inputLetters select _i; if !(_letter in _whitespaceCharacters) exitWith { _rightEndPosition = _i + 1; }; }; if (_leftStartPosition > 0 || _rightEndPosition < _inputLength) then { _output = toString (_inputLetters select [_leftStartPosition, _rightEndPosition - _leftStartPosition]); } else { _output = _input; }; _output
  10. chaveezy

    RPG7 Rockets Don't Load All the Way?

    Anyone ever seen this before? Tried various rockets in the RPG7, they stick out all the way.. Can still fire them just looks weird...
  11. chaveezy

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    @aussie battler All good brother, got it fixed.. Andrew actually pointed out the secondary hook not firing, I verified all files, re-pbo'd and its working again. I did get the error again once just a bit ago but died/respawned and it was working again, at the time I was moving my primary to secondary and getting hit by a zombie at the same time, this is the pastebin: Anyways, it seems to be working, just played for about 2 hours, swapping weapons like I would do normally and besides the .paa errors that it cannot display certain attachments, it worked great!
  12. chaveezy

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    Can anybody help me with this error.. I ended up merging my enigma revive and dual arms and it was working up to recently. Now I'm getting this error... After this error it kills my ability to open inventory at all. Thanks
  13. chaveezy

    DualArms - Two Primary Weapons

    Looking for some clarification to this, I am having three of these functions being called twice. Can you provide an example of calling both of these functions under one event?
  14. Hey fellas, having an issue crafting full fuel canisters. The interaction group does not seem to be registering at the fuel sources specified in config.cpp. It looks like it is calling .p3d files (models?). I'm running a Chernarus Redux map and only way to fill canisters currently is by draining fuel from vehicles. Any help is appreciated (Using Easy Trader / crafting solutions). class FillFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe { name = "Fill Fuel Canister"; pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"; requiredInteractionModelGroup = "FuelSource"; returnedItems[] = { {1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"} }; components[] = { {1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"} }; category = "Fuel"; }; class CfgInteractionModels { class FuelSource { name = "Fuel pumps, stations or barrels"; models[] = { "fuelstation_feed_f.p3d", "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed.p3d", "Land_FuelStation_Feed_F", // EBM craftable "metalbarrel_f.p3d", "flexibletank_01_f.p3d", "fs_feed_f.p3d", //Tanoa "fuelstation_01_pump_f.p3d", "fuelstation_02_pump_f.p3d", //Redux "Land_lnd_TankSmall2", "Land_Fuel_tank_big" }; }; }; Note: I have added in the //Redux and // EBM craftable classes as a test. However, I also do not want to be able to directly fuel vehicles from tanks, as this may do as well?
  15. chaveezy

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    Hey fellas, having an issue crafting full fuel canisters. The interaction group does not seem to be registering at the fuel sources specified in config.cpp. It looks like it is calling .p3d files (models?). I'm running a Chernarus Redux map and only way to fill canisters currently is by draining fuel from vehicles. Any help is appreciated (Using Easy Trader / crafting solutions). class FillFuelCanister: Exile_AbstractCraftingRecipe { name = "Fill Fuel Canister"; pictureItem = "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"; requiredInteractionModelGroup = "FuelSource"; returnedItems[] = { {1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterFull"} }; components[] = { {1, "Exile_Item_FuelCanisterEmpty"} }; category = "Fuel"; }; class CfgInteractionModels { class FuelSource { name = "Fuel pumps, stations or barrels"; models[] = { "fuelstation_feed_f.p3d", "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed.p3d", "Land_FuelStation_Feed_F", // EBM craftable "metalbarrel_f.p3d", "flexibletank_01_f.p3d", "fs_feed_f.p3d", //Tanoa "fuelstation_01_pump_f.p3d", "fuelstation_02_pump_f.p3d", //Redux "Land_lnd_TankSmall2", "Land_Fuel_tank_big" }; }; }; Note: I have added in the //Redux and // EBM craftable classes as a test. However, I also do not want to be able to directly fuel vehicles from tanks, as this may do as well?