Name. - Hydro
Age - 18
Timezone - GMT +1
Microphone ? - Yes
Steam Link -
Discord Name and # - Hydro#0307
How do you play? [put an X in the Brackets:] example - Sniper: [ X]
Driver: [ ]
Pilot: [x]
Close Quarter Combat: [ ]
Sniper: [x]
Support LMG: [x]
Tell us a little about yourself? - Been playing arma for a while and I'm mainly a pilot, however, I can accurately sniper from 2km away with an M320 LRR and I enjoy using an LMG purely down to the immense firepower it provides. I can provide accurate CAS with a jet or transport people with a heli with ease so I hope you think I'm capable enough to join you guys.
Ps. I'm from the UK