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Everything posted by Ban

  1. Ban


    Why they are silent .? infistar ? Why don't you answer ? Let them write me that they blocked me out of personal dislike . And I'll leave you alone
  2. Ban

    Ban close for me
  3. Ban


    diskord they discord me have closed смотреть
  4. Ban


    I went to see him in deep .They said I used the hack . But not justified .And blocked my entrance to discard
  5. they're faggots . will not let me on the server infistar.
    они пидоры . не пускает на сервера инфистар.

    1. Ban


      реально говорю .спорю на 1000000 баксов Не было не каких хаков и  сторонних программ

  6. Ban


    I'll bet you $ 1000000.
  7. Ban


    they do not provide any evidence .They have none. They banned me for insulting the administrator . I bet you 1000000 bucks they don't have proof I'm using hacks.
  8. Ban


    here is the true face of the administration . False. And write given that the ban for racism . Or sanctions against Russia СинонимыАнтонимыРодственные словасообщить об ошибке
  9. Ban

    вас изгнали из игры

    all servers
  10. Ban

    вас изгнали из игры

    and blocked me to login on to the server
  11. Ban

    вас изгнали из игры

    they were just offended by my bad words ...
  12. Ban

    вас изгнали из игры

    evidence they do not have to use my cheats . Just in the game I called the admin a bad word . He took offense wrote in infistar. Then I was banned I have no cheats no hacks. I play fair.
  13. Ban


    I have no cheats no hacks. I play fair.
  14. Ban


    evidence they do not have to use my cheats . Just in the game I called the admin a bad word . He took offense wrote in infistar. Then I was banned
  15. Ban

    вас изгнали из игры

    мне бан дали не обосновано
  16. Ban


    the ban is not justified and not fair. I don't use hack .Why discord was blocked . The admin complained to me about the false report . Not justified . I played on ARMA 3 SDG server. There I had an argument with an admin .Called him bad words .And Admin gave me a Ban. Then I can't go on a single server .Write that I used the hack.Who can solve this problem. Except for abuse give GLOBAL BAN I'm in shock . What's the problem? you can't prove what I'm guilty of. Why are you guys so stupid you wrote is just stupid that I was playing with the hack and you believe. I want to see the proof. You can't give them to me ? Maybe you don't have any?