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Everything posted by zol

  1. zol


    who can help with pbo files panthera_a3
  2. zol

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    tell me how to add correctly ...Execute the following query on your exile MySQL database: ALTER TABLE vehicle ADD ammo text NOT NULL; UPDATE vehicle SET ammo='[]'
  3. zol

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Execute the following query on your exile MySQL database: ALTER TABLE vehicle ADD ammo text NOT NULL; UPDATE vehicle SET ammo='[]' how to fix?
  4. Well done at least something works))
  5. zol


    and what is not clear? pbo files Exile.Panthera3
  6. zol

    [Release] Panthera/Winthera Exile Files

    who can help with pbo files panthera_a3
  7. 10:52:15 Warning Message: Script \q\addons\custom_server\DLS\DLS_init.sqf not found I do not see other mistakes
  8. no settings did not change copy custom_server.pbo into your @exileserver\addons.....and what needs to change?
  9. after upgrading to v 6.86 build 155, there is no mission
  10. zol


    Ребят подскажите если есть infistar,обязательно ли нужен BattlEye? а если подключаю BattlEye меня кикает kicked off by BattlEye: Bad Service Version
  11. zol


    ну ясно спасибо...а вообще без Battleye но с ифинстаром реально запустить сервер на общак))
  12. zol


  13. zol


    удалил но ....BattlEye: Bad Service Version...обновил ...и всё равно BattlEye: Bad Service Version
  14. zol


    так он обязателен или нет сам BattlEye... я его подключаю здесь (logFile = "server.log"; verifySignatures = 0; // Do NOT use verifySignatures=2! It costs too many FPS BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 143869; // 1.80 stable)..Даже без фильтров меня один хрен кикает kicked off by BattlEye: Bad Service Version....Захожу на чужой сервер всё норм..что может быть?
  15. Скажите, будут ли исправлены статические задания??
  16. Tell me one more question please .. Bandit Patrol mission markers are on the map, but the missions themselves do not spawn! What should I do?