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Everything posted by SpcPewPew

  1. I have a dedicated server that I have tried getting battleeye to work on. But I can't. So I use TADST for launch, MySQL workbench for my DB. Infistar is also installed. I have gone through many, many many times to check that the RCON passwords all match. I set the RCON IP to my local machine. I have tried many ports for RCON. No luck. When I launch my server with battleeye enabled I get no errors. The console says "Battleye Initialized", the mission reads, but when someone tries to load in they get kicked when "Connecting to BE Master." My server runs perfectly fine without battleye and I'm about to throw in the towel. But the perfectionist in me wants to get BE working. Any suggestions? I have looked through many threads and it seems I'm not the only one with this problem. I just have not got a good answer from anyone.
  2. I've tried searching to see if anyone else has had this same issue. Problem is when someone takes a spawn vehicle to the trader to put a pin on it they can't. Let me explain further, so they can, but the pop tabs isnt correct. If it says "1200 pop tabs" to rekey and they have 1200 on them it wont rekey. But if they had 1201 it will. Really weird. Thanks in advance
  3. SpcPewPew

    Trader Vehicle Customs ReKey glitch

    Yeah i did that. Had a brain fart. It works now thanks. Only problem i have now is when i click "reset" it says "failed to set pin. contact admin"
  4. SpcPewPew

    Trader Vehicle Customs ReKey glitch

    so i placed that text in an sqf and put it in the exile override folder of the mission pbo. what did i miss?
  5. I made a fresh server with 1.0.4. Added some weapon mods, vehicle mods and such. Nothing too crazy. My buddy placed a Safe Kit at base and it gave no option for "Lock", "Unlock", or "Set Pin". You could access inventory just fine. But whats the point of a safe that doesnt lock? lol I got the lock, unlock and set pin fixed. The target in the config.cpp was named "Exile_Container_Abstract_Safe". I changed it to "Exile_Container_Safe". But the inventory can still be accessed. I can set a pin, unlock, lock but its all moot if someone can access it anyway. Im a little lost.
  6. SpcPewPew

    1.0.4 Safe Kit not working properly

    SOLVED: Dont use dual arms
  7. SpcPewPew

    1.0.4 Safe Kit not working properly

    @Riker2335 I've read through a lot of these forums and you're like the guru when it comes to Exile lol but I installed fresh Exile, vanilla on my server. Tested the safe and it works. I dont know where I went wrong. Could Extended Item Exile messed with my database and doomed all safes? Should I just stay far far away from it?
  8. SpcPewPew

    1.0.4 Safe Kit not working properly

    Yeah I made the change to target base upon this thread. I thought it worked. But it doesn't keep people out of inventory. All the options are available if I do that, but even if a safe is locked the inventory can still be accessed. I did have Exile Extended Items installed. I even took that off. Nothing. I just got my server in the mail today. Going to build my permanent server files from the bottom up again.
  9. SpcPewPew

    1.0.4 Safe Kit not working properly

    Alright. I'll give that a shot