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Everything posted by awkmatthew69

  1. i changed my name to a chinese name so people wouldnt know who i am now every time i try to join it says you were kicked off is this because of the name now i am banned from the server or does it have nothing to do with that i have already validated all mods and still doesnt work also i got this screen shot idk what it means
  2. awkmatthew69

    help me you were kicked off the game

    i cant find there website like i goto this and clicked on all 3 made a account but i see no where where i can post anything on arma 3
  3. awkmatthew69

    help me you were kicked off the game

    but why would it be telling me i was kicked off could it be a ban or is it a mod that i need to verify
  4. awkmatthew69

    help me you were kicked off the game

    isnt this bfc esseker 2 when i google bfc esseker this website pops up