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Everything posted by TAURUSCGM


    Signature check failed

    Verify signatures work like this: Each mod to play on a server has two special files with signatures. One called "YouModName.bikey" this one that uses the server). And the other one called "YourModName.bisign" and it must be loaded by the client with the corresponding "YourModName.pbo" file. It is not necessary to have the most recent version of the mod ... the important thing is to have exactly the same version of the mod they use on the server. My advice is that you read the server forums to know what version of the mod they are asking to play on that map. You can also try to communicate with administrators and ask for information. I hope this helps.

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    I'm also trying to make it work on the Chernarus Redux map ... Any help with that please? I'm already find a way to do it work on any map. Change This Line on the config.sqf of BigfootsShipwrecks_Server.pbo: BS_locations_center = [SomeNumber,SomeNumber,SomeNumber] For this two (To auto find map center): _mapxy = worldSize/2; BS_locations_center = [_mapxy,_mapxy,0]; Really works for me. I read this solution on DMS discution forum. All thanks to the one with the idea.
  3. I found the Class cfgremoteexec in description.ext but I do not understand that of "add all lines"... can you explain it to me?

    Bigfoot's Shipwrecks

    Any plans to add enemy diver soldiers or something??

    Xeno Taru Pod

    I also need this mod on my Exile server ... But apparently no one has yet been able to solve the problem of how to make it work. I hope they achieve it since it is an excellent mod, which would be very good for the Exile.