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Everything posted by rushnn

  1. rushnn

    MultuRespect sustem

    I just need help or maybe solution with my idea. I want use multi-respect sustem for Exile, but i dont have one. What i want: respect = reputation - Available goods from a faction trader depend on the player’s reputation in that fraction. - Killing faction nps will give + to the reputation of the opponent’s faction and - to the reputation of the faction of the dead nps. - Killing a player who helps 1 faction will give + to reputation of faction 2 and - to reputation of 1 faction. - The explosion of equipment and participation in the mission on the sides of the factions will give + or - to reputation - NPC attack players with negative npc fraction reputation - Also need xm8 app with rep. table Technically, I can edit the algorithm for obtaining a player's reputation, but I do not know how to apply it to the database. So, i need help. I can pay for work, if it needed for working solution. My Discord id: TheDJ#0733