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About DimitrijNovikow

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  1. DimitrijNovikow

    ExAD wont let the mission load

    Message sent.
  2. DimitrijNovikow

    ExAD wont let the mission load

    i would like you to join with me on teamspeak and looking up my files per ftp
  3. DimitrijNovikow

    ExAD wont let the mission load

    @NeverAgain can u probably help me with this by looking up my files?
  4. DimitrijNovikow

    ExAD wont let the mission load

    Hey Community, i implemented EXAD as tutorials said but i ceep getting this error: 22:31:25 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/ExAd_Core.units'. 22:31:25 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/ExAd_DV.units'. 22:31:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 22:31:26 Unsupported language English in stringtable 22:31:26 Warning Message: File mpmissions\ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035\config.cpp, line 7124: .XM8_App01_Button: Undefined base class 'RscExileXM8AppButton1x1' 22:31:26 Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile. 22:31:26 Mission ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 22:31:26 Starting mission: 22:31:26 Mission file: ExileTest2035 22:31:26 Mission world: Chernarus_2035 22:31:26 Mission directory: mpmissions\ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035\ 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 22:31:29 Client: Nonnetwork object 4e232e00. 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 22:31:29 "ExileServer - extDB2: Error extDB2 is already setup & locked !!!" 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Check your server rpt for errors, your mission might be stuck a loop restarting" 22:31:29 [14782,242.407,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.8.0.180801"] Pls Help
  5. DimitrijNovikow


  6. DimitrijNovikow


    Hey Community, i implemented EXAD as tutorials said but i ceep getting this error: 22:31:25 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/ExAd_Core.units'. 22:31:25 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgPatches/ExAd_DV.units'. 22:31:25 Unsupported language English in stringtable 22:31:26 Unsupported language English in stringtable 22:31:26 Warning Message: File mpmissions\ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035\config.cpp, line 7124: .XM8_App01_Button: Undefined base class 'RscExileXM8AppButton1x1' 22:31:26 Warning Message: Config : some input after EndOfFile. 22:31:26 Mission ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 22:31:26 Starting mission: 22:31:26 Mission file: ExileTest2035 22:31:26 Mission world: Chernarus_2035 22:31:26 Mission directory: mpmissions\ExileTest2035.Chernarus_2035\ 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Server is loading..." 22:31:29 Client: Nonnetwork object 4e232e00. 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Installed extDB2 version: 70" 22:31:29 "ExileServer - extDB2: Error extDB2 is already setup & locked !!!" 22:31:29 "ExileServer - Check your server rpt for errors, your mission might be stuck a loop restarting" 22:31:29 [14782,242.407,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.8.0.180801"] Pls Help