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KyleGD last won the day on September 16 2018

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  1. any eta on hostage/capture mission completion fix?
  2. KyleGD

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Bump on an official fix for this
  3. is this regarding the captive/hostage missions not completing correctly? I thought that got fixed according to change log? Thank you for your reply
  4. Does this use its own AI spawning system? Or does it also require DMS or other systems? If it is its own system, can other addons such as ZCP take advantage of it?
  5. KyleGD

    Freedom Seeds Exile

    Freedom Seeds On Lythium! Welcome to Freedom Seeds Exile! We are a small community just looking to mess around and shoot some friends! We have quite a few mods, but you can download those from A3Launcher. Search us "FreedomSeedsExile" to find us! If you have any issues, hop on our discord and ask some questions. Always a friendly face around! Features! Roaming AI. Both vehicles and squads! Many missions, including building supplies and vehicle steals! PvP Mission Capture points! Guarded vehicle crash sites with loot! 25k Starting tabs! Sell crates at waste dump trader! Custom Kill Feed (shows Weapon and a rough location!) Claim Vehicles with a Code Lock! Respect based bambi loadouts! Exile Server Notification bot. Make sure to register and never miss another notification! Accelerated night cycle. No more hour long nights! Custom view distance XM8 App! 3 hour periodic restarts! Fixes! Fixed most weapon attachment compatibility! No more vehicles spawning on each other in the trader! See you soon, KyleFS
  6. KyleGD

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Does anyone know if there is a working version that is still public that is similar to this script?
  7. Would it be possible to allow rearming of only one of the same type of ammo. For example a Hind has 2 of the same rocket pods on each side. When rearming, if you double click only one, it rearms both. Not a big deal at all, just some players wanted some more control
  8. KyleGD

    ExAd v1.0.4

    It is solved by replacing your outdated files with the new ones. If i remember correctly it is both the @ExileServer\addons pbo, and the Yourmission\ExadClient\core folder
  9. EDIT: The issue was that newly created vehicles didnt default to have [] in their entry. This caused the query to return a string. I fixed this by changing the value to VARCHAR(512) and defaulting to '[]' EDIT 2: Looks like everything is working. Only thing i have noticed on certain vehicles with rocket pylons on both sides, is that it loads up the ammo for one side of the vehicle only. The other side goes to 0. I dont see any issues in the DB so im curious as to why this may be.
  10. KyleGD

    A lot of Log messages

    How is this done?
  11. KyleGD

    A lot of Log messages

    Edit: TYPO Cant delete
  12. @Bones51 This is an error i recieve when trying to use this. Im using extdb3 and merged the file with the extdv3 override. Any ideas? Im also running your vehiclerearm script. Both of these scripts share the getloadout function and i do have both in the init.
  13. KyleGD

    A3XAI updated?

    Kuplion recently pulled his github repos
  14. Yea now that you say it that would also be a great addition! I was more leaning to the idea that object class "A" would ONLY be for repairing. object class "B" ONLY for rearming. object class "C" for both etc etc. I'm really loving this new gui so far and so are my players. The 1 VERY small nitpicky thing I have to say is that during the day the white text can be a bit hard to read I'm sure that can all be changed in Bones_Service_Point.hpp so not a big deal at all. Just food for thought
  15. @Slider So the way I would personally fix that issue is have a random object in the center of the gas station that is below the ground. Change the trigger object to this object. That way you don't get spammed with notifications, there is only 1 marker, and only 1 action menu item. Changes can be made in vmsConfig.sqf: buildingObjects = ["ClassHere"];