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About J3diGp

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  1. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    When I do that it won't let me launch arma 3 because it says it's already running
  2. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    Still need help!!
  3. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    This is what I see now after following the guide you posted...
  4. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    Followed the directions of the guide to a "T" and it still hangs at that picture and doesn't show my server up at all. Please help me out!!!
  5. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    Thanks I'll give it a look through today and follow each step then report back here just in case considering my issue isn't really resolved yet lol.
  6. Hello Exilemod team and community, P.S. I'm sorry but I don't know where to find the rpt files... If anyone can help me get my server up and running I would be so thankful! Today I set up my own exile server just as explained in the Exile Server Installation Guide. After using Google search, I managed to get everything working using these guides, Guide 1: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/210570-dedicated-exile-server-setup-simplified/ Guide 2: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server#Dedicated_Server_.26_Client_configuration I then started up TADST (after having MySQL downloaded, installed, setup then launched) which loaded up the Arma 3 console. However in the Console it won't get past this:
  7. J3diGp

    Arma 3 Console Stuck at Gameport / Queryport

    Hey I'm having the exact same issue! How do I get the rpt?