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Everything posted by RapidStoned

  1. RapidStoned

    Looking for players to join me. EU

    Hey, Im currently looking for 4-6 players join me in what hopefully will be an amazing adventure. Im looking for mature players, 18 or older 16 and up can do if your mature enough. I got 2.4k hours in Arma 3. Pm me on discord if you want to join me FreddyDG#1732
  2. RapidStoned

    Special Forces Brigand Recruiting!

    I would love to join you guys. Im from Denmark my english is fluent. Im 19 years old, Im patient. I've got a ton of knowledge in Arma 3 and Exile, got around 2.3k hours in arma 3 where most of it goes into AltisLife, Exile and King of the hill. Discord: FreddyDG#1732 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198117296280/
  3. RapidStoned

    looking for people to play with (EU)

    Feel free to add me on discord FreddyDG#1732 Im from Denmark 19 years old.