Vehicles Latest Topics Latest TopicsenAdding individual vehicles Howto? Hi there

I have my exile server up and running. a VERY FEW mods / addons also work fine. 

(like DMS; Occupation;advancedTowing)

Now I am struggling hard to implement additional vehicles. 

I watched a few videos on YT, but those are either old or methods dont seem to work anymore. 


I don´t  want to add whole arsenals like CUP or RHS into it, but would do it if necessary. 


is there a surefire, idiot proof HowTo somwhere on how and what I need to do to add

standard Arma3 Vehicles that are not present in Exile ? 

(like armed strider and ifrit variants for example.. more APC and such... )


Thank you all in advance for your help. 



27982Fri, 12 Jul 2019 08:37:25 +0000
Vehicle Crash loot. Hi I am looking for a script that when a vehicle is destroyed it will drop a %percentage of the loot on the floor from the destroyed vehicle.. I want some loss though.. Any ideas?


Something like this I guess...

12917Thu, 24 Mar 2016 20:52:25 +0000
Помогите убрать БК с Mi-24P Помогите, я бы хотел убрать с вертолёта Mi-24P (RXC мод) все ракеты и бомбы, оставив только пулемёт. Как мне это сделать, я для в этом ничего не понимаю, админу на сервере лень это делать, хотелось что бы вы мне помогли с этим. Заранее спасибо)

27918Tue, 11 Jun 2019 14:35:40 +0000
RHS Vehicle Nuke Hey everyone, I just put the RHSUSAF and ARAF pack in my server, I am trying to make a mission that used the Nuke launcher to make a mission but when it shoots the nuke in the air when it hits the ground it disappears? No explosion or anything, just poof, gone? Any ideas why it just disappears?

24872Mon, 13 Nov 2017 04:50:49 +0000
Fixing R3F so you can't tow/lift locked vehicles. Installing R3F logistics on the latest version of exile resulted in locked vehicles being towable/liftable on my server.  I've noticed some other people on these and other forums having the same issue so here's the solution to the problem.

1. unPBO @ExileServer\addons\exile_server.pbo.

2. Copy the following 3 files from the code directory in the exile_server pbo to somewhere in your unPBO'ed Exile mission (i.e. Exile.Altis). I recommend creating a folder called overrides in the root mission folder and copying them there:





3. In ExileServer_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest.sqf

    Add the following line after "_object enableRopeAttach true;":

	_object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true];

4. In ExileServer_object_lock_network_lockToggle.sqf

    Add the following line after "_object enableRopeAttach true;":

				_object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true];

    Add the following line after "_object enableRopeAttach false;":

				_object setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true];

5. In ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf

    Add the following line after "_object enableRopeAttach false;":

	_vehicleObject setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", true, true];

    Add the following line after "_object enableRopeAttach true;":

	_vehicleObject setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", false, true];

6. Open config.cpp in your root mission folder and add the following to the CfgExileCustomCode class (assuming you created the overrides directory):

	ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load = "overrides\ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf";
	ExileServer_object_lock_network_lockToggle = "overrides\ExileServer_object_lock_network_lockToggle.sqf";
	ExileServer_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest = "overrides\ExileServer_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest.sqf"

    It should now look like this if you haven't overridden any other files:

class CfgExileCustomCode 
		You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
		To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the 
		path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
		look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.

		Simply add the following scheme here:

		<Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>";


		ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf";
	ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load = "overrides\ExileServer_object_vehicle_database_load.sqf";
	ExileServer_object_lock_network_lockToggle = "overrides\ExileServer_object_lock_network_lockToggle.sqf";
	ExileServer_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest = "overrides\ExileServer_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest.sqf"

7. re-PBO your mission file, put it back in place, and start up your server.


Thanks to MrTesla on the BIS forums for his post getting me started in the right direction.

13405Sat, 09 Apr 2016 19:09:24 +0000
CUP Vehicle versions I am considering adding CUP vehicles to my server. Would i need to add each version of the vehicle to the trader or would i be able to add one and the rest to the vehicle custom trader?

For example, there are 14 versions of the Golf. Could i add CUP_C_Golf4_random_Civ to vehicle trader and rest to vehicle custom so people could change how it looks when they wish.





16066Thu, 07 Jul 2016 20:39:21 +0000
Using the UCAV Sentinel drone from the new DLC on your server After adding the UCAV Sentinel, I realized that it's a NATO bird and that (Independant/Guer) players would not be able to use it. So, I added the UAVHacker trait to the players so that the sentinel could be hacked with the UAV Terminal.

Here's what to do:

NOTE 1: I'm not going to explain how to setup overwrites in this post. There's plenty of info in the forums on how to do that.

NOTE 2: If you run infiSTAR, your BadActionCheck and/or BadActionContentCheck setting(s) in the EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp might cause players to get kicked/banned. You will either need to set both to false or add "Hack UAV" to the allowed actions.

Setup overwrites for ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf and ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf if you haven't already done so for another feature/function/addon.
If you already have overwrites for these files, just edit those files.


After this line:
_player setVariable ["ExileXM8IsOnline", false, true];

Add this line:
_player setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker" ,true];


After this line:
_bambiPlayer setVariable ["ExileLocker", (_accountData select 4), true];

Add this line:
_bambiPlayer setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker" ,true];


23056Thu, 25 May 2017 23:22:31 +0000
Vehicle Textures by UID I would like certain vehicle skins to be purchased at the customs trader to only be available to certain members of my community, for example, i want admins to be able to purchase the GADD skin for their vehicle but nobody else should be able to buy this skin. And i want Donators to be able to use their clans custom created skins to be available to them and nobody else as this makes them unique. 

Since there is already a way to do this with Exile Flags... 

class CfgFlags 
	class GADD
		name = "GADD";
		texture = "custom\Flags\flag_gadd_co.paa";
		//		me			admin
		uids[] = {"12345678987654321","12345678987654321"};

Would there be a way to implement this with Vehicle textures so admins can only access the GADD skin? 

class MRAP_03_hmg_base_F
		skins[] =
			{"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",			300, "Carbon", {"custom\vehicletextures\carbon.paa","\A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"};},
			{"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",			300, "GADD", {"custom\vehicletextures\GADD.paa","\A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"};}

Maybe something like this: 

class MRAP_03_hmg_base_F
		skins[] =
			{"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",			300, "Carbon", {"custom\vehicletextures\carbon.paa","\A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"};},
			uids[] = {12345678987654321} {"I_MRAP_03_hmg_F",			300, "GADD", {"custom\vehicletextures\GADD.paa","\A3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"};}

Does anybody know? 

20192Sun, 18 Dec 2016 16:10:44 +0000
Spawning a Mozzie with XM8 I am using Mozzie_Mod for Bambies to use when respawning using the XM8. The issue is when the player spawns the Mozzie using the XM8 it sometimes will explode and kill them. Is there a way to give the mozzie invulnerability  for a few seconds to stop this from happening? I apologize if this is not the correct spot. I am just looking for an experienced point of view. On a side not how can I control the XYZ or the spawn. Earlier I had removed the XM8 spawning of the Rubber duck because it would land on the players head and kill them.  Thank you in advance for any guidance

27206Fri, 12 Oct 2018 01:10:31 +0000
[solved] Tanks DLC - Adding the Custom CAMO I was looking at adding the custom camos & objects addons to the new DLC Tanks.

I grabbed the script to add it from the editor:

_veh = createVehicle ["I_LT_01_AT_F",position player,[],0,"NONE"];
	["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",1]  //these are all the extra addons to this DLC tanks
] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;

Not sure if should try & add it to cfg_vehicleCustoms (would need to grab the directory to all the picture files).

or the quick dirty way:

Add it to ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle.sqf and make every tank have the skins automatically added to the tank when it spawns in?

 if (typeOf _vehicleObject player == "I_LT_01_AT_F") then
_vehicleObject ["showTools",1,"showCamonetHull",1,"showBags",1,"showSLATHull",1];
}call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; 

Has anyone added the DLC skins to their server yet?


26728Thu, 12 Jul 2018 04:55:48 +0000
Door/Gate remote opener. Hi guys,

I had a base on a server earlier this year, unfortunately it's gone but... it had a handy feature to open a door from within a vehicle by pressing "8" nothing fancy just unlock and lock a door or gate.

I had to have locked or unlocked the door/gate first the normal way.

Any ideas what script that would have been......?


27088Mon, 17 Sep 2018 05:04:58 +0000
Macross - ADR-04-Mk X Defender - No Ladder to get in... Hey

I am looking at the Macross - ADR-04-Mk X Defender

There is an option to bring down the ladder on the scroll wheel, but nothing happens. The ladder works in Eden editor.

I have also loaded the mod without infistar & Battleye, still no ladder & nothing in the logs...

The other options such as "flip", "refuel" and "repair" work.

Do I have to add "extend ladder" in the CfgInteractionMenus in config.cpp & point it to the extend ladder script in the addon?


 * Sort this by probability of occurence to speed things up a bit
class CfgInteractionMenus
    class ADR-04
        targetType = 2;
        target = "ADR-04";

        class Actions
            // extend ladder
            class Extend: ExileAbstractAction
                 title = "Extend Ladder";
                 condition = "((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) isEqualTo 0) && ((locked ExileClientInteractionObject) != 1)";
                 action = "ExileClientInteractionObject call Extend_Ladder";


Then in initPlayerLocal:



    _code = '';
    _function = _x select 0;
    _file = _x select 1;

    _code = compileFinal (preprocessFileLineNumbers _file);

    missionNamespace setVariable [_function, _code];
    ['Extend_Ladder', 'custom\Ladder\Extend_Ladder.sqf']


Any ideas?



27051Thu, 06 Sep 2018 01:58:50 +0000
[SOLVED] Vehicle Flip is a self destruct button UPDATE: This code works. Use it if you want to put vehicles briefly in godmode when flipping.


I noticed that the vehicle flip button (especially on tanks) sets the vehicle off to explode. Probably because bohemia messed with hit points to wheels / tracks a few updates ago.

I tried to add vehicle godmode to "flip", but it didnt kick in, I can shoot the wheels out straight after the flip....

I just added 3 lines of code

_vehicle allowDamage false;  // START of GODMODE

sleep 7;      //End of GODMODE in 7 sconds
_vehicle allowDamage true; //End of GODMODE



 * ExileClient_object_vehicle_flip
 * Exile Mod
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
_vehicle = _this select 0;
if (!(typeOf _vehicle in ["Exile_Bike_MountainBike","Exile_Bike_OldBike"]) && (isEngineOn _vehicle)) exitWith {false};
if ((locked _vehicle) isEqualTo 2) exitWith {false};
if (local _vehicle) then
    systemchat "Vehicle Flip Started";      

   _vehicle allowDamage false;  // START of GODMODE
    _pos = getPosATL _vehicle;
    _pos set [2,(_pos select 2) + 1];
    _vehicle setPosATL _pos;
    _vehicle setVectorUp [0, 0, 1];
    sleep 7;      //End of GODMODE in 7 sconds
    _vehicle allowDamage true; //End of GODMODE

    systemchat "Vehicle Flip Ended";   
    ["flipVehRequest",[netId _vehicle]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

26856Mon, 30 Jul 2018 00:13:29 +0000
Vehicles Teleporting back to trader So i moved my server over to namalsk and redid the DB from scratch and all purchased vehicles teleport back to the trader on restart. I'm certain that its a database issue but after re-doing it a few times and taking different approaches hasnt done a thing. my rpts don't show shit either. Any ideas?

13431Sun, 10 Apr 2016 23:58:22 +0000
Code 13 hi all . im a bit noob with the arma 3 server and stuff . yesterday i have put a couple vehicule i have upload from the workshop on my server . i went to the config file and add them in the list and set the price and quality of them. i have put the bikeys in the folder keys of the server. when i go log in and look at the trader . i can see the vehicule but cannot buy them without getting the code 13 contact a admin of the server.. so i contact myself... and now i need to get more explanation.

code 13 (2).png

code 13.png

26830Thu, 26 Jul 2018 17:19:36 +0000
Set PIN on hot wire I have a HC server with no traders, so no way of changing a PIN on vehicles. What i am trying to do is have the option to set a new PIN on successful hot wire. This is what i have tried, get the option to set pin on hot wire success, but new pin does not save to database. any ideas



 * ExileClient_object_lock_network_hotwireLockRequest
 * Exile Mod
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
_vehicleObject = objectFromNetId (_this select 0);
_object = cursorTarget;
_objectNetId = netId _object;
if (local _vehicleObject) then
["InfoTitleOnly", ["Please enter the new PIN!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
_newPinCode = 4 call ExileClient_gui_keypadDialog_show;
if(_newPinCode isEqualTo "")exitWith {"Exiting with no new PIN." call ExileClient_util_log;};
["rekeyVehicleRequest",[_vehicleObject,_newPinCode]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;


25944Sat, 17 Mar 2018 03:11:52 +0000
<![CDATA[Jet & Armed Heli Loadout editor]]> Hi all,

I'm after something that will allow me to Edit Pylons on jets and heli's.

Does anyone know of a working method?

I look at the GOM Aircraft Load out but couldn't get it working.

Any point in the right direction would be a great help.


26767Tue, 17 Jul 2018 14:23:22 +0000
Incomimg Missile warning on all Air vehicles Hello all,

I've had a few players now as me for some kind of missile warning on air vehicles that shows on screen.

Now im aware that there is something like this as I've seen it on other servers etc.

I was wondering if anyone knows or is willing to share this?

It would be muchly appreciated! 




26741Sat, 14 Jul 2018 09:26:49 +0000
Vehicle godmode (zero damage) in safezone Does a script exist that if a vehicle enters safe zone it becomes indestructible. I know that weapons don't work, but clumsy drivers, admins who spawn items on top of each other, flying lifted item into a wall.. that kinda thing I'm looking to protect against.

26159Sun, 08 Apr 2018 22:27:28 +0000
Removal Of countermeasures Is there a way to remove countermeasures from vehicles? Specifically I'd like to remove flares from anything that can shoot rockets?

26401Mon, 14 May 2018 15:18:27 +0000
This Mozzie Anyone have access to this particular mozzie, so that we could use it in exile? The model is much cleaner and polished  than anything currently available.


26124Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:05:00 +0000
EXILE 096 Updated Classnames Here is a list of current classnames in exile. Seen someone needed so here you go. Enjoy


    // Exile Classnames Updated For 0.9.6 Pomelo
    // List By NoKturnal Gaming Community  *NGC* GMCtyphoon92
    // Feel Free To Add If I Missed Anything, This Should Be Every Vehicle Currently In Exile
    // Helping The Community 1 ; @ A Time


12385Fri, 11 Mar 2016 01:48:50 +0000
Remove other players? Hey was wondering if anyone has a script they wanna share with me that basically makes it so only party members can enter your vehicle and if a random attempts to enter any seat he gets kicked out?

25935Fri, 16 Mar 2018 13:23:10 +0000
Custom Vehicle maxload First sry for my english.


Hey Guys,


I am trying to change the maxload of the vehicle inventory.

I never made my one script before and now i have the first problem.

I think that i am on the right path maybe someone can help me.

I think that the maxload is defined in this script    ExileClient_util_item_getMaximumLoad.sqf

and i know that each vehicle has a defined maxload in his config. bin

So into my config.cpp at my mission file i put the follwing line to the custom code class

class CfgExileCustomCode 
		You can overwrite every single file of our code without touching it.
		To do that, add the function name you want to overwrite plus the 
		path to your custom file here. If you wonder how this works, have a
		look at our bootstrap/fn_preInit.sqf function.

		Simply add the following scheme here:

		<Function Name of Exile> = "<New File Name>";


		ExileClient_util_fusRoDah = "myaddon\myfunction.sqf";
	ExileClient_util_item_getMaximumLoad = "custom\ExileClient_util_item_getMaximumLoad.sqf";


and in my mission pbo/custom folder i put my modified file called  ExileClient_util_item_getMaximumLoad.sqf


and into my modified file i put just for testing

 * ExileClient_util_item_getMaximumLoad
 * Exile Mod
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit
_className = _this;
_maximumLoad = 0;

if (_className = "Exile_Car_TowTractor_White") then
    _containerClassName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _className >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
    _maximumLoad = "2000000";
if (_className != "") then
    _containerClassName = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _className >> "ItemInfo" >> "containerClass");
    _maximumLoad = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _containerClassName >> "maximumLoad");

And nothing is working =D I hope someone can help me! That would be wonderfull =D=D


22263Sun, 02 Apr 2017 17:26:31 +0000
Spawning vehicles along roads there any mod to change so the spawning vehicles will spawn along the roads rather than in the open field?

7096Fri, 30 Oct 2015 17:19:19 +0000