<![CDATA[PvP & Stats Latest Topics]]>https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/forum/172-pvp-stats/enMultuRespect sustemhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/27941-multurespect-sustem/ I just need help or maybe solution with my idea.
I want use multi-respect sustem for Exile, but i dont have one. What i want:

respect = reputation

- Available goods from a faction trader depend on the player’s reputation in that fraction.
- Killing faction nps will give + to the reputation of the opponent’s faction and - to the reputation of the faction of the dead nps.
- Killing a player who helps 1 faction will give + to reputation of faction 2 and - to reputation of 1 faction.
- The explosion of equipment and participation in the mission on the sides of the factions will give + or - to reputation
- NPC attack players with negative npc fraction reputation
- Also need xm8 app with rep. table

Technically, I can edit the algorithm for obtaining a player's reputation, but I do not know how to apply it to the database.
So, i need help. I can pay for work, if it needed for working solution.
My Discord id: TheDJ#0733

27941Tue, 18 Jun 2019 18:39:12 +0000
PVP mod idea.https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/25791-pvp-mod-idea/ So a player gave me an idea for a mod and after searching couldn't find it or the like.. Here is the concept, we would call it "Ears" of war.. Once a player is killed, the action menu would give you the option to "claim trophy" where you would then see an animation followed by the body disappearing.  This being replaced with some item.. Something you can't buy or find in loot. We set it to a high sell price so you can collect the reward. This is all pretty easy to make, here comes the issue. I need to know how to code in, that this "body" was the result of PVP action.. Not AI kill or suicide.  To prevent abuse from someone spawning, suicide then collecting trophy and repeating. Any ideas?

25791Sat, 03 Mar 2018 19:40:06 +0000
Looking for a PVE scripthttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/25773-looking-for-a-pve-script/ Hi all


im new to developing so not capable of making a script/addon however i dont suppose anyone has a PVE script that works? by this i mean if I was to shoot a player and it hit him i would die myself? Ive seen this on an exile server so i know its possible... Anyone got ideas ?





25773Wed, 28 Feb 2018 22:48:10 +0000
humanityhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/20332-humanity/ I tried it install the humanity script, not getting any db errors, but when i try to connect to the server now, i get creation bambi error.

infistar loads, it looks like its going to work

but then

20:44:08 "ExileClient - Requesting bambi character..."
20:44:09 "ExileClient - NetworkManager - Parameter type mismatch! Payload: [""createPlayerResponse"",[R Alpha 1-3:1 REMOTE,"""",""0"",""2500"",""0"",0,"""",100,100,0,300,any,1]]"
20:44:38 "ExileClient - Error: Bambi creation timeout"

can anyone tell me what this might mean?


Version = 12
Number of Inputs = 0
Sanitize Input Value Check = false
Sanitize Output Value Check = false
Prepared Statement Cache = true
Return InsertID = false
Strip = true
Strip Chars Action = STRIP
Strip Chars = \/\|;{}<>\'
Strip Custom Chars = \/\|;{}<>\'

;; Account related queries

SQL1_1 = SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT uid FROM account WHERE uid = ?) THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO account SET uid = ?, name = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET name = ?, last_connect_at = NOW(), total_connections = total_connections + 1 WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET last_disconnect_at = NOW() WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT score, humanity, kills, deaths, clan_id, locker FROM account WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2,3,4,5,6

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET kills = kills + 1 WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET deaths = deaths + 1 WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT score FROM account WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET score = ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET score = score + ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET locker = ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = SELECT locker FROM account WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1

;; Player related queries

SQL1_1 = SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT account_uid FROM player WHERE account_uid = ? AND damage < 1) THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO player SET account_uid = ?, name = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO player_history SET account_uid = ?, name = ?, position_x = ?, position_y = ?, position_z = ?
Number Of Inputs = 5
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM player WHERE id = ? 
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT p.id,
SQL1_2 = p.name,
SQL1_3 = p.account_uid,
SQL1_4 = p.damage,
SQL1_5 = p.hunger,
SQL1_6 = p.thirst,
SQL1_7 = p.alcohol,
SQL1_8 = p.oxygen_remaining,
SQL1_9 = p.bleeding_remaining,
SQL1_10 = p.hitpoints,
SQL1_11 = p.direction,
SQL1_12 = p.position_x,
SQL1_13 = p.position_y,
SQL1_14 = p.position_z,
SQL1_15 = p.assigned_items,
SQL1_16 = p.backpack,
SQL1_17 = p.backpack_items,
SQL1_18 = p.backpack_magazines,
SQL1_19 = p.backpack_weapons,
SQL1_20 = p.current_weapon,
SQL1_21 = p.goggles,
SQL1_22 = p.handgun_items,
SQL1_23 = p.handgun_weapon,
SQL1_24 = p.headgear,
SQL1_25 = p.binocular,
SQL1_26 = p.loaded_magazines,
SQL1_27 = p.primary_weapon,
SQL1_28 = p.primary_weapon_items,
SQL1_29 = p.secondary_weapon,
SQL1_30 = p.secondary_weapon_items,
SQL1_31 = p.uniform,
SQL1_32 = p.uniform_items,
SQL1_33 = p.uniform_magazines,
SQL1_34 = p.uniform_weapons,
SQL1_35 = p.vest,
SQL1_36 = p.vest_items,
SQL1_37 = p.vest_magazines,
SQL1_38 = p.vest_weapons,
SQL1_39 = p.money,
SQL1_40 = a.score,
SQL1_41 = a.humanity,
SQL1_42 = a.kills,
SQL1_43 = a.deaths,
SQL1_44 = c.id,
SQL1_45 = c.name,
SQL1_46 = p.temperature,
SQL1_47 = p.wetness,
SQL1_48 = a.locker
SQL1_49 = FROM player p
SQL1_50 = INNER JOIN account a
SQL1_51 = ON a.uid = p.account_uid 
SQL1_52 = LEFT JOIN clan c 
SQL1_53 = ON c.id = a.clan_id
SQL1_54 = WHERE p.account_uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16-STRING,17,18,19,20-STRING,21-STRING,22,23-STRING,24-STRING,25-STRING,26,27-STRING,28,29-STRING,30,31-STRING,32,33,34,35-STRING,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44-STRING,45,46,47

SQL1_1 = UPDATE player SET
SQL1_2 = name = ?,
SQL1_3 = damage  = ?,
SQL1_4 = hunger = ?,
SQL1_5 = thirst = ?,
SQL1_6 = alcohol = ?,
SQL1_7 = oxygen_remaining  = ?,
SQL1_8 = bleeding_remaining = ?,
SQL1_9 = hitpoints = ?,
SQL1_10 = direction = ?,
SQL1_11 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_12 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_13 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_14 = assigned_items = ?,
SQL1_15 = backpack = ?,
SQL1_16 = backpack_items = ?,
SQL1_17 = backpack_magazines = ?,
SQL1_18 = backpack_weapons = ?,
SQL1_19 = current_weapon = ?,
SQL1_20 = goggles = ?,
SQL1_21 = handgun_items = ?,
SQL1_22 = handgun_weapon = ?,
SQL1_23 = headgear = ?,
SQL1_24 = binocular = ?,
SQL1_25 = loaded_magazines = ?,
SQL1_26 = primary_weapon = ?,
SQL1_27 = primary_weapon_items = ?,
SQL1_28 = secondary_weapon = ?,
SQL1_29 = secondary_weapon_items = ?,
SQL1_30 = uniform = ?,
SQL1_31 = uniform_items = ?,
SQL1_32 = uniform_magazines = ?,
SQL1_33 = uniform_weapons = ?,
SQL1_34 = vest = ?,
SQL1_35 = vest_items = ?,
SQL1_36 = vest_magazines = ?,
SQL1_37 = vest_weapons = ?,
SQL1_38 = temperature = ?,
SQL1_39 = wetness = ?
SQL1_40 = WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 39
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39

;; Vehicle related queries

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO vehicle SET 
SQL1_2 = class = ?, 
SQL1_3 = account_uid = ?,
SQL1_4 = is_locked = ?,
SQL1_5 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_6 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_7 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_8 = direction_x = ?,
SQL1_9 = direction_y = ?,
SQL1_10 = direction_z = ?,
SQL1_11 = up_x = ?,
SQL1_12 = up_y = ?,
SQL1_13 = up_z = ?,
SQL1_14 = pin_code = ?
Number of Inputs = 13
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM vehicle WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM vehicle WHERE deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT ?,?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = SELECT id,class,spawned_at,account_uid,is_locked,fuel,damage,hitpoints,position_x,position_y,position_z,direction_x,direction_y,direction_z,up_x,up_y,up_z,cargo_items,cargo_magazines,cargo_weapons,pin_code,vehicle_texture,deleted_at,money FROM vehicle WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4-STRING,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21-STRING,22,23,24

SQL1_1 = SELECT cargo_container FROM vehicle WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET 
SQL1_2 = is_locked = ?, 
SQL1_3 = fuel = ?, 
SQL1_4 = damage = ?, 
SQL1_5 = hitpoints = ?,
SQL1_6 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_7 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_8 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_9 = direction_x = ?,
SQL1_10 = direction_y = ?,
SQL1_11 = direction_z = ?,
SQL1_12 = up_x = ?,
SQL1_13 = up_y = ?,
SQL1_14 = up_z = ?,
SQL1_15 = cargo_items = ?,
SQL1_16 = cargo_magazines = ?,
SQL1_17 = cargo_weapons = ?,
SQL1_18 = cargo_container = ?,
SQL1_19 = money = ?
SQL1_20 = WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 19
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET vehicle_texture = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET pin_code = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

;; Construction related queries

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO construction SET 
SQL1_2 = class = ?, 
SQL1_3 = account_uid = ?, 
SQL1_4 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_5 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_6 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_7 = direction_x = ?,
SQL1_8 = direction_y = ?,
SQL1_9 = direction_z = ?,
SQL1_10 = up_x = ?,
SQL1_11 = up_y = ?,
SQL1_12 = up_z = ?,
SQL1_13 = territory_id = $CUSTOM_1$
Number of Inputs = 11
Number of Custom Inputs = 1
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM construction WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM construction WHERE deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT ?,?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = SELECT id,class,account_uid,spawned_at,position_x,position_y,position_z,direction_x,direction_y,direction_z,up_x,up_y,up_z,is_locked,pin_code,territory_id,deleted_at,damage FROM construction WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4-STRING,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15-STRING,16,17,18

SQL1_1 = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM construction
Number Of Inputs = 0

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET pin_code= ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET class=? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET pin_code = ?,is_locked = -1 WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET is_locked = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET territory_id = ? WHERE id IN(?)
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET damage = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

;; Containers related queries

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO container SET 
SQL1_2 = class = ?, 
SQL1_3 = account_uid = ?, 
SQL1_4 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_5 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_6 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_7 = direction_x = ?,
SQL1_8 = direction_y = ?,
SQL1_9 = direction_z = ?,
SQL1_10 = up_x = ?,
SQL1_11 = up_y = ?,
SQL1_12 = up_z = ?,
SQL1_13 = cargo_items = ?,
SQL1_14 = cargo_magazines = ?,
SQL1_15 = cargo_weapons = ?,
SQL1_16 = cargo_container = ?,
SQL1_17 = money = ?,
SQL1_18 = pin_code = ?,
SQL1_19 = territory_id = $CUSTOM_1$
Number of Inputs = 17
Number of Custom Inputs = 1
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM container WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM container WHERE deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT ?,?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = SELECT id,class,account_uid,is_locked,position_x,position_y,position_z,direction_x,direction_y,direction_z,up_x,up_y,up_z,cargo_items,cargo_magazines,cargo_weapons,pin_code,territory_id,abandoned,deleted_at,money FROM container WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17-STRING,18,19-STRING,20,21

SQL1_1 = SELECT cargo_container FROM container WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET 
SQL1_2 = is_locked = ?, 
SQL1_3 = position_x = ?,
SQL1_4 = position_y = ?,
SQL1_5 = position_z = ?,
SQL1_6 = direction_x = ?,
SQL1_7 = direction_y = ?,
SQL1_8 = direction_z = ?,
SQL1_9 = up_x = ?,
SQL1_10 = up_y = ?,
SQL1_11 = up_z = ?,
SQL1_12 = cargo_items = ?,
SQL1_13 = cargo_magazines = ?,
SQL1_14 = cargo_weapons = ?,
SQL1_15 = cargo_container = ?,
SQL1_16 = territory_id = $CUSTOM_1$,
SQL1_17 = money = ?
SQL1_18 = WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 16
Number of Custom Inputs = 1
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16

SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET pin_code= ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET territory_id = ? WHERE id IN(?)
Number of Inputs = 2

;; Clan related queries

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO clan SET leader_uid = ?, name = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET clan_id = ? WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET clan_id = NULL WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE clan SET leader_uid = ? WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM clan WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM clan LIMIT ?,?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = SELECT name,leader_uid FROM clan WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT uid,name FROM account WHERE clan_id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = SELECT id,markerType,positionArr,color,icon,iconSize,label,labelSize FROM clan_map_marker WHERE clan_id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2,3,4,5-STRING,6,7-STRING,8

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO clan_map_marker SET clan_id = ?, markerType = 0, positionArr = ?, color = ?, icon = ?, iconSize = ?, label = ?, labelSize = ?
Number Of Inputs = 7
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO clan_map_marker SET clan_id = ?, markerType = 1, positionArr = ?, color = ?
Number Of Inputs = 3
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM clan_map_marker WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

;; Territory related queries

SQL1_1 = INSERT INTO territory SET owner_uid = ?, name = ?, position_x = ? , position_y = ? , position_z = ?, radius = ? , level = ? , flag_texture = ? , flag_stolen = ? , flag_stolen_by_uid =$CUSTOM_1$ , build_rights = ? , moderators = ? 
Number Of Inputs = 11
Number Of Custom Inputs = 1
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Return InsertID = true

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM territory WHERE deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT ?,?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = SET @connector = ?;
SQL2_1 = SELECT id,owner_uid,name,position_x,position_y,position_z,radius, level,flag_texture,flag_stolen,flag_stolen_by_uid,last_paid_at,build_rights,moderators,deleted_at,(SELECT COUNT(*)FROM construction c WHERE c.territory_id = @connector) FROM territory WHERE id = @connector
Number Of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9-STRING,10,11-STRING,12-DateTime_ISO8601,13,14,15,16

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET level = ? WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET radius = ? WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET build_rights = ? WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET moderators = ? WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET last_paid_at = NOW(),xm8_protectionmoney_notified = 0 WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM territory WHERE id = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET flag_stolen = 1, flag_stolen_by_uid = ?, flag_stolen_at = NOW() WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET flag_stolen = 0, flag_stolen_by_uid = NULL, flag_stolen_at = NULL WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 1

;; Garbage Collector

; Marks for deletion containers outside territories that were not accessed within ? days
SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND territory_id IS NULL AND deleted_at IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Removes containers outside territories that were not accessed within ? days
SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM container WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND territory_id IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Marks contructions outside territories deleted after ? days
SQL1_1 = UPDATE construction SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND territory_id IS NULL AND deleted_at IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Removes contructions outside territories after ? days
SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM construction WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND territory_id IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Marks for deletion vehicles that were not used within ? days
SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Removes vehicles that were not used within ? days
SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM vehicle WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Marks territories (and all containers/constructions) that were not paid within ? days as deleted
SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_paid_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NULL
SQl2_1 = UPDATE construction SET deleted_at = (select deleted_at from territory where territory.id=construction.territory_id and territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL)
SQL3_1 = UPDATE container SET deleted_at = (select deleted_at from territory where territory.id=container.territory_id and territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL)
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Removes territories (and all containers/constructions) that were not paid within ? days
SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM territory WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET abandoned = NOW(), pin_code = '0000' WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND class = "Exile_Container_Safe" AND territory_id IS NULL
Number Of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM territory WHERE flag_stolen_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)
Number Of Inputs = 1

; Unlock doors and mark safes as abandoned if flag stolen for X days
SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET abandoned = NOW(), pin_code = '0000' WHERE (SELECT flag_stolen_at from territory WHERE territory.id=container.territory_id AND territory.flag_stolen_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY));
SQL2_1 = UPDATE construction SET pin_code = '0000' WHERE (SELECT flag_stolen_at from territory WHERE territory.id = construction.territory_id AND territory.flag_stolen_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY)) AND pin_code != '000000'
Number Of Inputs = 1

;; Moneh moneh moneh

SQL1_1 = UPDATE player SET money = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = SELECT money FROM player WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET money = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET money = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

;;	Humanity

SQL1_1 = SELECT humanity FROM account WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET humanity = ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET humanity = humanity + ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 2
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET money = ?, humanity = ? WHERE uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 3
SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2,3 

;;	XM8

SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM territory WHERE last_paid_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? - 1 DAY) and xm8_protectionmoney_notified = 0
Number of Inputs = 1

SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET xm8_protectionmoney_notified = ? WHERE id = ?
Number of Inputs = 2



20332Wed, 28 Dec 2016 04:08:21 +0000
Track AI Killshttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/6273-track-ai-kills/ Modify your "\@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini" with the following

Find "[addAccountDeath]" and add this around there (can be anywhere really but to keep with the area on kills and deaths):

SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET ai_kills = ai_kills + 1 WHERE uid = ?
Number Of Inputs = 1

Find "[getAccountStats]" make it:

SQL1_1 = SELECT a.money, a.score, a.kills, a.deaths, a.clan_id, c.name, a.ai_kills FROM account a LEFT JOIN clan c ON c.id = a.clan_id WHERE a.uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2,3,4,5,6-STRING,7

Find "[loadPlayer] and make it:


SQL1_1 = SELECT p.id,
SQL1_2 = p.name,
SQL1_3 = p.account_uid,
SQL1_4 = p.damage,
SQL1_5 = p.hunger,
SQL1_6 = p.thirst,
SQL1_7 = p.alcohol,
SQL1_8 = p.oxygen_remaining,
SQL1_9 = p.bleeding_remaining,
SQL1_10 = p.hitpoints,
SQL1_11 = p.direction,
SQL1_12 = p.position_x,
SQL1_13 = p.position_y,
SQL1_14 = p.position_z,
SQL1_15 = p.assigned_items,
SQL1_16 = p.backpack,
SQL1_17 = p.backpack_items,
SQL1_18 = p.backpack_magazines,
SQL1_19 = p.backpack_weapons,
SQL1_20 = p.current_weapon,
SQL1_21 = p.goggles,
SQL1_22 = p.handgun_items,
SQL1_23 = p.handgun_weapon,
SQL1_24 = p.headgear,
SQL1_25 = p.binocular,
SQL1_26 = p.loaded_magazines,
SQL1_27 = p.primary_weapon,
SQL1_28 = p.primary_weapon_items,
SQL1_29 = p.secondary_weapon,
SQL1_30 = p.secondary_weapon_items,
SQL1_31 = p.uniform,
SQL1_32 = p.uniform_items,
SQL1_33 = p.uniform_magazines,
SQL1_34 = p.uniform_weapons,
SQL1_35 = p.vest,
SQL1_36 = p.vest_items,
SQL1_37 = p.vest_magazines,
SQL1_38 = p.vest_weapons,
SQL1_39 = a.money,
SQL1_40 = a.score,
SQL1_41 = a.kills,
SQL1_42 = a.deaths,
SQL1_43 = c.id,
SQL1_44 = c.name,
SQL1_45 = a.ai_kills
SQL1_46 = FROM player p
SQL1_47 = INNER JOIN account a
SQL1_48 = ON a.uid = p.account_uid 
SQL1_49 = LEFT JOIN clan c 
SQL1_50 = ON c.id = a.clan_id
SQL1_51 = WHERE p.account_uid = ?
Number of Inputs = 1
OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16-STRING,17,18,19,20-STRING,21-STRING,22,23-STRING,24-STRING,25-STRING,26,27-STRING,28,29-STRING,30,31-STRING,32,33,34,35-STRING,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44-STRING,45



In file  "ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf" add after "_bambiPlayer setVariable ["ExileDeaths", (_accountData select 3)];"

_bambiPlayer setVariable ["AiKills", (_accountData select 6)];

In file "ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf" add after "_player setVariable ["ExileDeaths", (_data select 41)];"

_player setVariable ["AiKills", (_data select 44)];

You will now need to make a new field inside the account table to be called "ai_kills" type "int" length "11" default "0"

or run this

ALTER TABLE account ADD ai_kills int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

Ok, that should be it. Now to send an ai kill to database add the following to your fn_aikilled or the appropriate file inside your missions that kill ai or give respect or tabs.

If you find inside your fn_aikilled "ExileKills" then you can replace that with "AiKills" instead. This will now add ai kills to "AiKills" variable instead of just ExileKills.

If it is not there then do the following: (You may need to change _killer to the correct variable used inside your mission to define the player who killed ai)

_aikillerFrags = _killer getVariable ["AiKills", 0];
_killer setVariable ["AiKills", _aikillerFrags + 1];
format["addAccountAiKill:%1", (getPlayerUID _killer)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;

Hope I didn't miss anything... Have fun!


Updated February 7 2016

6273Thu, 15 Oct 2015 09:06:38 +0000
Anti-PVP scripthttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/20330-anti-pvp-script/ Let's start with this: I don't care if you think Exile should only be PVP. I am running a PVE server and a lot of people like it so nyah.

Anyway, I found this Anti-PVP script on Github: https://github.com/PixelDetonator/A3-Exile-Mod-Anti-PVP

I tried to integrate it with the ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf that comes with Exile Reborn, but I can't get it to work. I get errors. 

This is the ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage.sqf from Exile Reborn:


 * Exile Mod
 * exile.majormittens.co.uk
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
//private["_unit","_selectionName","_amountOfDamage","_sourceOfDamage","_typeOfProjectile", "_hit", "_damage", "_source", "_ammo"];
_unit             = _this select 0;
_selectionName    = _this select 1;
_amountOfDamage   = _this select 2;
_sourceOfDamage   = _this select 3;
_typeOfProjectile = _this select 4;

_chanceForKnockDown = [_typeOfProjectile] call JohnO_fnc_getBulletRating;
_duration = _chanceForKnockDown + 20;

if (_chanceForKnockDown >= random 100) then
	if !(ExileReborn_playerIsKnockedOut) then
		if (ExileClientIsAutoRunning) then
			call ExileClient_system_autoRun_stop;
		[_duration] spawn JohnO_fnc_maintainKnockOut;

if (_typeOfProjectile == "") then
	if !(vehicle player != player) then 
		player setBleedingRemaining 90;

		player setVariable ["JohnO_lastSourceOfDamage",_sourceOfDamage,true];
		if !(ExileReborn_playerIsWounded) then
			ExileReborn_playerIsWounded = true;
			ExileReborn_woundWasTreated = false;
			profileNamespace setVariable ["ExileReborn_playerIsWounded",ExileReborn_playerIsWounded];
			profileNamespace setVariable ["ExileReborn_woundWasTreated",ExileReborn_woundWasTreated];

 		if !(ExileRebornClient_CustomHit_soundIsPlaying) then
 			ExileRebornClient_CustomHit_soundIsPlaying = true;
 			[] spawn JohnO_fnc_playCustomHitSound;
 		titleText["","WHITE OUT",0.2];
 		titleText["","WHITE IN",0.2];		



I was wondering if someone could help me with merging these two files together so the anti-pvp will work with the custom stuff from Exile Reborn.

20330Wed, 28 Dec 2016 02:46:42 +0000
ScoreBoardhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/26646-scoreboard/ hi 


can someone help it a scoreboard to my server to know ai kills etc  because the ones that i find in exile community dont work or files are not ready to download!!??




best regards


26646Fri, 22 Jun 2018 10:31:10 +0000
K/D Scoreboardhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/26486-kd-scoreboard/ Does anyone know how some servers are displaying the K/D scoreboard on the ESC screen? I know I've seen the option in setting one of my servers up before but can't for the life of me remember where it was.

26486Sun, 27 May 2018 08:24:38 +0000
Enigma Revive Troubleshttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/25682-enigma-revive-troubles/ Hey guys, so I have been trying to get Enigma to work on my server: https://github.com/3N1GMA-HPY/Enigma_Exile_Revive

But i'm having a weird issue.. I get everything in, and the server starts and everything but when I connect I just sit on the load screen.. no timeout.. no error.. nothing in rpt about it, any ideas?

25682Mon, 12 Feb 2018 21:14:39 +0000
Giving new players pop tabshttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/655-giving-new-players-pop-tabs/Hi, I was wondering if there is an easy way to give new players who join the server x amount of poptabs. 

This would be a one time gift for each player. 

655Sun, 13 Sep 2015 20:40:36 +0000
Event! Give everyone on your server money!https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/182-event-give-everyone-on-your-server-money/This script is for mARMAcp > RE Editor

If you don't know what mARMAcp is, check out this thread http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/26-marma-server-monitoring-live-map-re/

Here's a nice nifty script that will reward all the players in your server with a little bit of extra cash. You can use this to keep your server popular and get people to come back to your server :)

They will receive 1000$ from "God" with this script

["God", 1000] spawn {
	_amount = _this select 1;
  	_admin = _this select 0;

    ["notificationRequest",["Success", ["Money event starting :D"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast;
	uiSleep 1;
	["notificationRequest",["Success", ["You guys ready???"]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast;
	uiSleep 1;

    for "_i" from 5 to 1 step -1 do {
  		["systemChatRequest", [format ["Free money from %1 in %2", _admin, _i]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast;
		uiSleep 1;

		_currentAccountBalance = _x getVariable ["ExileMoney", 0];
        _currentAccountBalance = _currentAccountBalance + _amount;

        _x setVariable ["ExileMoney", _currentAccountBalance];
        format["setAccountMoney:%1:%2", _currentAccountBalance, getPlayerUID _x] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget;
        [_x, "moneyReceivedRequest", [str _currentAccountBalance, _admin]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;
	} forEach allPlayers;


182Thu, 10 Sep 2015 16:04:29 +0000
How do I give people starting money?https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/1379-how-do-i-give-people-starting-money/Hi all,

So this may be a bit of a noobish question but I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to automatically give people some money the first time they join my server.

I was thinking is there a way to use the steamid to check if it is someone first time and if it is give them x amount of money along which their starting g equipment.

Any help would be appreciated.


1379Sun, 20 Sep 2015 09:49:14 +0000
Max respect?https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/25312-max-respect/ Is there a way to set a limit to how much respect someone can get? Since there is no easy way to implement a system of spending respect, I figure setting a max respect would keep things interesting. 

25312Sat, 30 Dec 2017 00:39:04 +0000
Reduce death marker timehttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/25016-reduce-death-marker-time/ Hi everyone,


i'm looking for a way to reduce the time for the death marker (Red Skull) on the map.


Any idea?


25016Fri, 01 Dec 2017 22:16:14 +0000
bambi player with 10s godmodehttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/24970-bambi-player-with-10s-godmode/ is there any scripts that can set bambi player with 10s godmode when they respwan ? 

24970Mon, 27 Nov 2017 00:28:46 +0000
Exile revivehttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/24749-exile-revive/ Is any script for reveving exile? i tried Exile Enigma but, it don't work ( for some ppl works, for some no)

24749Mon, 30 Oct 2017 00:11:34 +0000
Adjust combat log settings?https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/9368-adjust-combat-log-settings/ Hey can I adjust the combat log timer? I don't feel like it's long enough. Want to make it at least 2 minutes maybe even 5.

9368Mon, 28 Dec 2015 19:01:35 +0000
Enable player healing at vehicles?https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/24437-enable-player-healing-at-vehicles/ Hey guys, so i wanted to know if there is way to enable vehicles like the hemmt medical to have the option of healing players that get close and select the action, it seems like exile disables this.

Edit: Also is there any way to increase the 2:00 Minutes time to bleed out?

24437Thu, 21 Sep 2017 20:44:30 +0000
Player Healthhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/20706-player-health/ Hello there, 

Can anyone help with this?

I'm trying to give the player's more health because A.I one shot us unless i make the A.I shoot like a retard with [["aimingAccuracy",0.002] hahaha

So all we want is the fight to last a little longer instead of keep reviving each other, We have a server, I have tryed a few things like:

Eden Editor:

In the player (Green) init i have tryed

Unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
Unit addEventHandler ["Hit", {Unit setDamage (0.02 + getDammage Unit)}];

 and in Infistar:

useCustomHandeDamageHandler = "True";

also i have tryed the next 3


 ---------------------------------------------------     1   --------------------------------------------------------------

this addEvntHandler ["HandleDamage", { _unit = _this select 0; _selection = _this select 1; _damagee = _this select 2; 

if (_selection == "?") exitWith {}; _curDamage = damage _unit; if (_selection != "") 

then {_curDamage = _unit getHit _selection}; _newDamage = _damage - _curDamage; _damage - _newDamage * 0.75 }];

 ---------------------------------------------------     2   --------------------------------------------------------------

//Only damage from last applied handleDamage EH is taken into consideration by the engine
//Apply a new EH so as we can override the damage applied
_unit addEventHandler [ "HandleDamage", {
    params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage","_source","","_index"];
    systemChat format[ "Damage recieved: %1", _damage ];
    //Do any other damage calculations here
    //_damage is the total damage the unit has for this selection once this EH returns
    //e.g lets change the damage recieved for each selection
    if ( _index > -1 ) then {
        private _selectionDamage = _unit getHit _selection;
        private _damageRecieved = (_damage - _selectionDamage) max 0;
        _damageRecieved = _damageRecieved / 100;
        _damage = _damageRecieved + _selectionDamage;
    systemChat format[ "Damage to REVIVE: %1", _damage ];
    //Only players respond to REVIVE
    if ( isPlayer _unit ) then {
        _this set[ 2, _damage ];
        //Call BI REVIVE HandleDamage EH passing new _damage value
        _damage = _this call BIS_fnc_reviveOnPlayerHandleDamage;
    systemChat format[ "Damage to engine: %1", _damage ];

systemChat format[ "Override REVIVE EH applied to %1", _unit ];


 ---------------------------------------------------     3     --------------------------------------------------------------

this addeventhandler ["HandleDamage", 

    private ["_return"];
    _unit             = _this select 0; 
    _selection         = _this select 1; 
    _passedDamage             = _this select 2; 
    _source            = _this select 3; 
    _projectile             = _this select 4; 
    _oldDamage = 0; 
    _bodyMultiplier      = 0; 
    _legsMultiplier      = 0.25; 
    _handsMultiplier     = 0.25;
    _headMultiplier      = 0.75;
    _overAllMultiplier     = 0.25; 
    switch (_selection) do
        case("head")    :
            _oldDamage     = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHead";
            _return     = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _headMultiplier); 
        case("body")    :
            _oldDamage     = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitBody";
            _return     = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _bodyMultiplier); 
        case("hands")    :
            _oldDamage     = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitHands";
            _return     = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _handsMultiplier); 
        case("legs")    :
            _oldDamage     = _unit getHitPointDamage "HitLegs";
            _return     = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _legsMultiplier); 
        case("")        :
            _oldDamage = damage _unit;
            _return     = _oldDamage + ((_passedDamage - _oldDamage) * _overAllMultiplier); 

has anyone done this yet? because i can't find much on player health so hopefully someone can help


20706Fri, 13 Jan 2017 20:40:13 +0000
Player Side Select Optionhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/23966-player-side-select-option/ Hi, I'm here to ask about a player side select option, it's possible? is there some script or code to make it?. Thanks.

23966Thu, 03 Aug 2017 13:28:15 +0000
Slower Hunger and Thirsthttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/1636-slower-hunger-and-thirst/Im still new to the exile mod but have made fair amount of progress in learning it, today a lot users from our server say food and drink just go way to fast and as we have a rich loot environment not much food or drink spawn and Altis is a big map with a lot of running involved.

So i wanted to ask if anyone would mind walking me around 



 * Exile Mod
 * exile.majormittens.co.uk
 * © 2015 Exile Mod Team
 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 
 * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
if (isNil "ExileLastStatUpdate") then 
	ExileLastStatUpdate = diag_tickTime; 
_timeElapsed = diag_tickTime - ExileLastStatUpdate;
ExileClientPlayerLoad = loadAbs player;
ExileClientPlayerOxygen = getOxygenRemaining player * 100;
ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [0, (1 - damage player) * 100];
ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [1, (1 - getFatigue player) * 100];
ExileClientPlayerIsAbleToBreathe = isAbleToBreathe player;
ExileClientPlayerIsInfantry = vehicle player == player;
ExileClientPlayerVelocity = player call BIS_fnc_absSpeed;
ExileClientPlayerIsBleeding = isBleeding player;
ExileClientPlayerIsBurning = isBurning player;
ExileClientPlayerIsOverburdened = ExileClientPlayerLoad > 900; 
ExileClientPlayerIsDrowning = ExileClientPlayerOxygen < 50;
ExileClientPlayerIsInjured = (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 0) < 50;
ExileClientPlayerIsHungry = (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2) < 25;
ExileClientPlayerIsThirsty = (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3) < 25;
ExileClientPlayerIsExhausted = (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 1) < 40;
if (ExileClientIsAutoRunning) then
	call ExileClient_system_autoRun_update;
if( ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat ) then
	if( diag_tickTime - ExileClientPlayerLastCombatAt >= 30 ) then
		ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat = false;
		false call ExileClient_gui_hud_toggleCombatIcon;
		call ExileClient_system_rating_balance;		
_hungerFactor = 1;
_thirstFactor = 1;
if (ExileClientPlayerIsInfantry) then 
	if (ExileClientPlayerVelocity > 0) then 
		_hungerFactor = 1 + ExileClientPlayerVelocity / 64 * _timeElapsed; 
		_thirstFactor = 1 + ExileClientPlayerVelocity / 48 * _timeElapsed; 
ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [2, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2) - (100 / 5400 * _hungerFactor * _timeElapsed)) min 100) max 0)];
ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [3, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3) - (100 / 3600 * _thirstFactor * _timeElapsed)) min 100) max 0)];
if (ExileClientPlayerIsOverburdened) then
	ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [1, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 1) - 5 * _timeElapsed) min 100) max 0)];
if ((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2) == 0 || (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3) == 0 || ExileClientPlayerIsBleeding) then
	ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [0, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 0) - 5 * _timeElapsed) min 100) max 0)];
_bloodAlcohol = (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 4);
if (_bloodAlcohol > 0) then
	ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [1, linearConversion [0, 3, _bloodAlcohol, 100, 0, true]];
	_effectAttribute = _x select 0;
	_effectValue = _x select 1;
	_effectDuration = _x select 2;
	_effectStartTime = _x select 3;
	_effectValueRemaining = _x select 4;
	_endEffect = time - _effectStartTime >= _effectDuration; 
	if( _effectValue > 0 ) then 
		if (_effectDuration == 0) then 
			_effectToApply = _effectValue;
			_effectToApply = (_effectValue / _effectDuration * _timeElapsed) min _effectValueRemaining;
		_x set [4, _effectValueRemaining - _effectToApply];
		ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [_effectAttribute, ((((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select _effectAttribute) + _effectToApply) min 100) max 0)];
		if (_effectDuration == 0) then 
			_effectToApply = abs _effectValue;
			_effectToApply = ((abs _effectValue) / _effectDuration * _timeElapsed) max _effectValueRemaining;
		_x set [4, _effectValueRemaining + _effectToApply];
		ExileClientPlayerAttributes set [_effectAttribute, (((ExileClientPlayerAttributes select _effectAttribute) - (abs _effectToApply) min 100) max 0)];
	if( (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select _effectAttribute) == 0 || (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select _effectAttribute) == 100 ) then
		_endEffect = true;
	if( _endEffect ) then
		ExileClientPlayerEffects deleteAt _forEachIndex;
 foreach ExileClientPlayerEffects;
player setDamage (1 - (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 0) / 100);
_hunger = ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 2;
_thirst = ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 3;
if (diag_tickTime - ExileClientPlayerLastHpRegenerationAt >= 60) then
	if (_hunger >= 90) then
		if (_thirst >= 90) then
			player setDamage (((damage player) - 0.02) max 0);
			ExileClientPlayerLastHpRegenerationAt = diag_tickTime;
ExileLastStatUpdate = diag_tickTime;


what needs to be changed and how can i call it serverside

My lan test server for some reason my Food and Drink stay at 100%  so cant test it there and i dont want to push it on our live servers with understanding it better.

iv have tryed it in the mission.pbo in config.cpp but like i said my test server was 0 help and stats stayed at 100.

i have googled and searched the forums with no luck

so any assistance would be great 

Thank you.

1636Wed, 23 Sep 2015 15:09:13 +0000
Starting Moneyhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/873-starting-money/Where can i look to make it so new players start off with some $$$

873Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:48:06 +0000
Advanced-Combat-Environment 3https://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/520-advanced-combat-environment-3/Has anyone figured out how to get ACE3 working as a medical system in exile? Please if you have it working can you give me a hint as how to get it working.

520Sat, 12 Sep 2015 19:37:37 +0000
PvE Server with PvP Zoneshttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/21631-pve-server-with-pvp-zones/ Hello,

Is there an easy way to make a PvE Server with PvP Zone-Trigger in mission.sqm? Or is its just implemented in Exile?

21631Thu, 02 Mar 2017 10:40:32 +0000
arma 3 exile altis modhttps://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/20418-arma-3-exile-altis-mod/ does any one know can you or how to hack a safes in arma 3 exile altis mod any help is much appreciated.

20418Sun, 01 Jan 2017 06:44:34 +0000