Constructive Criticism Latest Topics Criticism Latest Topicsen<![CDATA[Medical Items & Healing: Instadoc, Vishpirin, Bandages, etc]]> I would really like to see more additions and/or some tweaks to the medical supplies and healing system and the mass of those objects. Two of the things I think need addressing are the weight and potency of current medical items and the healing over time.

A big problem I see is the weight/mass on the medical items. The proportional weight/mass of each object in relation to other items and also how much health they actually do seems like they're off and don't make much sense. Because of the way they're currently set its almost as if its only worth carrying and using Instadocs. I'd really like to see some adjustment tweaks that will make the other items more sensible and more valued. So players will want to carry and actually use the other items.

Bandages have a weight/mass of 5 and only give 5% health. Keeping in mind they also have a heal over time (30 secs?) Right now I feel as if they weigh more than they're actually worth carrying and/or using actively. With the low amount of health gain they seem almost useless. They're like a paperweight and more like something that burdens, weighs you down, and not worth really even using currently. I think players see them as something that takes up more space than they're actually worth. I'd like to see the weight/mass and health gain tweaked just a bit so that people would find a reason and actually start wanting to carry and use a variety of med supplies and not just the Instadocs. The other items are similar to bandages as I described. I think this may be a way to encourage use of other medical items.

Here are my suggestions for medical items weight/mass:

Bandage: adjust to: mass/weight 1 and health gain at 10%           For full health:       10 bandages=100% health = total mass=10

Vishpirin: adjust to: mass/weight 3 and health gain 25%                 For full health:        4 vishpirin=100% health = total mass=12

Instadoc: adjust to: mass/weight 15 and health 100%                      For full health:        1 instadoc=100% health = total mass=15

I think adjusting to these new mass/weights for medical supplies gives each item a more equal value while also giving players a reason to start using all of the medical items and not just carry/use one type (instadocs). Prices for each should be staggered to give each item an almost but not quite equal value. Adjusting the price and weight slightly off a bit on each item will encourage the use of all medical items. Example: Instadocs should be set to be a little heavier and prices should also be set a bit higher than Vishpirin and same for bandages. (I'll leave the prices up to you).

As far as healing over time, I think it needs a tweak or two and also eating food should slow raise health over time. As I understand it you will gain health slowly over time (1 health point per minute) but only if your hunger and thirst are both above 90%. (please correct me if I'm wrong or my numbers are a little off) I'm not sure Exile can change this but if so I'd like to see those numbers adjusted a little. I think it should be changed from hunger and thirst above 90% down to 60% (maybe even 70%). I think this seems more appropriate than 90%. I also feel as if you should gain a little health back slowly just from eating food (maybe with a cooldown).

Not sure if this is an Exile thing or added script but I know a lot of servers use craft toilet paper 4=1 bandage. Therefore I think toilet paper mass/weight should also be adjusted to 1.

Thanx for your time and consideration



12675Fri, 18 Mar 2016 05:35:24 +0000
Loading screen typo I was waiting for a server to load the other day and got bored so I went and started to appreciate the thought and detail that went into the Cheethas Bag.. When this gem caught my eye.. I know, I know, "don't be a grammar ****! (Don't use foul language, kids) But hey, how can you ignore "you('re) playing a game"



27207Fri, 12 Oct 2018 06:05:57 +0000
A Word Against Grinding/Safe Hacking The changelog indicates that door lock grinding and safe hacking will be introduced in 1.0.4. Assuming the implementation is similar to the mods added on Exile servers currently out in the wild, this is a bad idea.

Regarding grinding, there are already two ways to get through locked doors: breaching charges and thermal scanners. With grinders, it won't matter if you went to the trouble of reinforcing your doors to metal or concrete, someone can just grind through the locks. Grinding punishes you for having doors. That encourages players to put solid walls in front of their doors when they're not online, stacking an absurd series of doors, and other such things to guard against grinding attacks.

The most common reason for adding safe hacking is that "breaching bases doesn't get you anything because everyone keeps their gear securely in safes." But that completely ignores the fact that thermal scanners are a thing. If you have the patience to stake out your target and collect some codes, it's actually quite easy to rob someone blind. However, none of that patience is necessary with the combination of grinders and safe hacking. One very important aspect of  thermal scanners is that the target and the thief must be online at or near the same time. With lock grinding and safe hacking, it's not necessary for the breaching party to know whose base they're breaching or for the victim(s) to have been online at any point recently. That's a pretty important distinction, and helps keep the power imbalance from becoming too pronounced for groups that spend a ton of time in the game and groups that play less frequently.

25368Thu, 04 Jan 2018 03:29:34 +0000
Make Humvee realistic The humvee is far to weak like it is made of paper, e.g i clipped a small road sign with the back wheel at a slow speed and it ejected me from the vehicle and blew up lol

The real one would knock the sign over and only suffer a scratch at most!

26359Mon, 07 May 2018 13:35:03 +0000
HUD/UI questions I'm curious, why can't we see the ammo count from a seat that can take control of weapon systems in vehicles (e.g. Pilot's seat in any attack heli)? Surely there can be a way for a tertiary HUD element to pop up when those weapon systems are engaged. Hell, even some attack helis with pilot weapons available don't have ammo counters. Vice-versa for being in a co-pilot's seat and not seeing your speed and altitude.

Speaking of HUD elements, can the speed/ammo counter on the bottom right be moved somewhere else? As it stands, Steam's popup notifications constantly block that info when a friend comes online or starts a game. Yes, I know I can disable Steam's ingame UI, but I like it on to collaborate with friends planning to join me in a server.

Actually, why not have the HUD elements at the bottom (with exception of the vitals bar at bottom center) moved to the top, where the Arma 3 vanilla elements were, and have the group list at the bottom left?

I would love to know the reasons behind the HUD/UI placements and why they are the way they are. Thanks!

16700Mon, 18 Jul 2016 17:01:46 +0000

25203Sun, 17 Dec 2017 23:36:10 +0000
Getting "In Combat" whenever you get slightly "hurt" is annoying. Hello! 
Whenever you hit a bush with your car, fall 1 meter down your stairs, touch a lit fireplace or just when you bump your shoulder into a wall or get hit by a door you can get very slightly hurt, even so slightly that you are still at 100 health.

This prompts the "in combat" mechanic in Exile and you have to put in every code by hand to lock and unlock anything, you can´t build and you can´t repair a vehicle for an extended period of time.

This is something that many find very annoying, especially when building, where you basically have to stand there doing nothing until you are no longer "in combat".

Could the In Combat system be changed so that it only appears when you are actually in combat, like when you are getting shot at or when shots are fired near you?

Thanks for your incredible mod that has given many hours of entertainment for me! You are amazing :)

25760Tue, 27 Feb 2018 00:12:56 +0000
Force HTTPS on Hi,
could you please enable/enforce HTTPS for this website? ;)

25754Sun, 25 Feb 2018 19:25:44 +0000
GodMode vehicle in safezone Hello, I'm looking for a script or a way to block the destruction of vehicles in safezone (traderzone) because players blow them up. Can you advise me ?

25593Wed, 31 Jan 2018 19:23:36 +0000
KSVK Zeroing I'm sorry to bring this us because I know some hard work has probably gone into fixing it, but does the KSVK zeroing really need fixing? The KSVK with APDS rounds is an extremely powerful gun. One of its redeeming factors is that you have to have some knowledge and skill to use at long distances because it only zeros to 1000m. When it can be zeroed to 2000m, everyone and their gran is going to be sitting completely out of sight blowing up cars from 2km away with a single clip

25489Fri, 19 Jan 2018 11:34:50 +0000
Canned Food As currently implemented, the can opener requirements for canned food are nonsensical. A can can have two states, opened or sealed. However, you need a can opener to do ALL of the following: (1) eat raw food; (2) cook raw food; and (3) eat cooked food. The first one makes sense, but the second two don't. If you've already opened the can to cook it, why do you need a can opener to eat the cooked food? The inventory image for cooked canned food items clearly show the can as open, so why is a can opener required again to eat it?

24972Mon, 27 Nov 2017 13:51:19 +0000
Block "stacking" of construction items Some constructive "construction" criticism xD

Has anyone managed to block this practice of stacking building items within each other?


24908Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:41:04 +0000
Steam Download - Please! Please just post your mod on Steam! All but one of the download links are broken in your front page post!

Server operators can simply add your mod as required and it will auto-download through the launcher if posted on Steam. Please save us both client and server operators, the pain of dealing with this manual download on top of many, many broken links!

24779Thu, 02 Nov 2017 02:02:08 +0000
Seriously, please do something about the loadingscreen "spinner"... Dear developers,

Not sure if anybody agrees with me but I would REALLY appreciate it if somebody did something to remove those awful texts on the loadingscreen.


23432Tue, 20 Jun 2017 10:59:57 +0000
[SOLVED] How do i install this I literately made a god damn account to make this forum

that is what the downloads look like

i just want to install this to play arma 3 so HELP

24269Mon, 04 Sep 2017 15:29:07 +0000
idea for more helpful mod navigation Hi everyone, a fresh Bambi here. Been playing Arma 3 for almost a year now (nobody told me about this haven of awesome before). I started my own server last weekend and immediately felt the weight of Altis slam down on my face (I was sold by lines of "easy, one click setup"). I came here looking for guidance, instructions and help and I've definitely gotten mixed results. I'll say first that when you get help, it's with good intentions and they seem very knowledgeable. Granted, my major communication issue results from just not understanding the scripting language and terminology as well as many on here. And sometimes, I post something and it just sits there. I understand this forum isn't here at my beckon call and everyone here has lives of their own so I don't hold it against anyone. But on to my original point.


My suggestion/wish/idea is to have a section of EXTREMELY basic tutorials for people to follow. Maybe populate it from the bugs/tech talk sections once they've been closed. Once I started looking into installing mods on my server I did what any reasonable person would do. I would read the install instructions for he mod, have no clear understanding of what it said, where to go, how to specifically do it or how to verify it was done correctly. So I moved to googling "exile arma installing advanced towing" or something similar. I would get 4 or 5, sometimes more links to this very forum. I'd think "HOORAY! info and help" Then I'd look through the posts and comments.... nothing useful. Several answers would be "read the install instructions and do that".... great.... back to square one. Or answers like "go into the configsqf and call X file from root position blah blah blah. add in this line of code in the file and poof! you're working"...... yay... an even more complicated explanation than the first one I didn't understand. The worst were ones that ask the exact question I have and there's either no comments at all, or just "Got it working". I know it would be a lot of work, but if there was a section for actually solved issues with clearly defined help/instructions in the comments you could go to that would be amazing and hopefully reduce the amount of blindly fumbling through the forums, getting frustrated. 

I understand that scripting and server admin has a hella steep learning curve and people need to know when they're out of their depth. But I'd urge everyone to remember that you were in the noob shoes at one point too and those of us in them now are looking for he same help you did. And the more we know and can help, the less everyone has to rely on you for it. It's just my thoughts, sorry for the rant. Hope everyone has a great day.

24033Wed, 09 Aug 2017 17:28:40 +0000
Repairing vehicles while in combat is awesome Now that it takes time to repair vehicles, can we make it so players can repair their vehicles while in combat?

Getting a wheel shot out on your Hunter, piling out of the vehicle and defending your teammate trying to repair it is a fantastic combat scenario.  As things stand, as soon as a vehicle is damaged, it's effectively a wreck until the firefight is over.  It's unnecessarily limiting.

13462Tue, 12 Apr 2016 01:21:10 +0000
Discord so I was in the discord channel, asking for support, and this mod banned me for language without a warning but, before I got kiced I saw "that's th efirst step for the ban hammer" and I got back in through the site, and I saw the chat saying "lol",  "lmao that was so funny", but once they saw that I got back in and I was asking "why did I get banned?" everyone else was saying the f word, the s word and things like that but once I said something  I get banned without a warning? and I got kicked and banned again, and I am now unable to join back or continue asking for support on how to make my own server for me and my friends.

24018Tue, 08 Aug 2017 06:54:45 +0000
Families in Exile servers Hi,
I'm new here at Exile Mod's forums but have been playing Arma 2 and Arma 3 couple of years. 

Tried to search on the forums but I couldn't find anything about having a max amount of players in Family/Party.

How about making Families only allowing 15 people to be in it and then having ranks. 
The papa is the one who can kick and promote people.
The mini-papa can promote people only to plebs.
The plebs is only in the family. Can't do shit.



23636Tue, 04 Jul 2017 10:06:39 +0000
Please add a dialog check to the KeyUp eventhandler Dear devs,

Please add a "dialog check" to your KeyUp eventhandlers to ( for example ) prevent weapon switching when inside a dialog that uses the buttons for weapon switching.

23438Tue, 20 Jun 2017 17:36:53 +0000
Disconnect the auto-consumption option at the gas stations Is there any way to turn it off?   pardon my English  :D

23403Sat, 17 Jun 2017 15:43:36 +0000
Scuba Diving Sheep Hi guys, ok firstly my apologies if this is the wrong place.

Last night one of our players kindly sent us some screen shots and pointed out that we have sheep on our server that feel compelled to have a crack at scuba diving, though to be fair our players have been giving the sheep a hard time on our server so they were probably trying to hide :)

Just thought you guys would like to know about this, don't know if there is anything that can be done about it or not, we are running Tanoa and have ALL animal spawning switched on (some of our players with bases on the coast were missing their pet landfish).





23332Sat, 10 Jun 2017 17:59:47 +0000
loading screen incorrect spelling Ingridents should be ingredients

ingredients may very on packagers doesnt make sense as well


19315Fri, 04 Nov 2016 01:57:09 +0000
idea to help us test why don't the devs add supply drops crammed with money and materials if they cant help us with tabs. or even add dms loot crates aswell crammed with stuff. I am starting to get bored with this and my wife and are going to give it while tommorow night to see if there is any change, if not regrettably we will stop testing....

22767Wed, 10 May 2017 08:26:12 +0000
This forum is extremely unengaging for new users or people with genuine questions due to its severity... I hope you can take this constructively.

I love Exile, its a fantastic mod. The work the dev team has done on this has been fantastic and I find myself always coming back to play it.

But these forums are just too strict for someone new or trying to get help. I literally have given up even looking for help here as I think legit half the posts I have ever made here are deleted or moved somewhere that makes no sense to me where no one would even look and hence I get no help or input.

I made a post today asking other users for servers with good FPS. I got a pm about a server from a guy and I was very happy as the server is awesome but kind of low pop.

As I have witnessed how strict this forum (have seen close but never have had completely harmless if not useful for other player posts deleted within 15 mins), I even said I have found a a server with very high FPS am I allowed to name it?

When I came back to check the thread has vanished, no messages nothing just deleted.

This forum is not that busy really.  I just don't get why completely harmless posts are deleted or moved when they could be useful for other users? I am almost certain I did not break any kind of rule and if there are rules against what I said then I am bewildered as to why. It is not like you are being overrun with trolls and spam? I honestly don't see anything out of place or out of line in asking other users for help or server suggestions. There is no category for it....

Why create a great mod and then have the strictest most exclusive forum moderation to go alongside it, there are other posts from people saying the same thing, while I don't agree with their tone I honestly don't even think there is a point making a post here for anything not related to server setup or operation anymore. Last time I posted here I wanted some help with advanced building techniques. There is no category that fits it.

When I came to check the post it had vanished again and after asking someone I was told it was moved to third party mods...... Here is the post:

How does this have anything to do with third party mods in problems and bugs? Obviously, no one responded as it was placed somewhere that makes no sense where no one would even go to. I never got any help with this, something that literally every server I have ever been on has people doing.... What would the problem be with this being in general discussion as it is regarding general game play? This isn't even strict moderation this is just plain incompetence. Its almost like the person that moved it didn't even bother to read it or was just intentionally trolling.

So what is the deal here? All I can think here and please do not be offended by this is some sort of control/power thing going on. I literally have no other explanation. As an attempted user of this forum I just think after a few tries there is little point of players coming here at all.

Aren't you trying to build a community? Surely this level of forum moderation is counter productive to ingratiating players to your fantastic mod and giving them a place where they can ask other players for help and advice or just chat about the mod.  I honestly have never experienced anything close to this level of moderation, especially in a mod that is in development.

I would presume that common sense would dictate that if there was no category for a topic to fit into then general discussion would be the place for it to be, especially when it is regarding general elements of the game and where to play the game?

So to those of you who are in charge, as a user I am telling you this forum is a major turn away, not from the game. The game is great so I will play it as long as I enjoy it. But coming here for help ort just to be involved in the community just seems pointless for the reasons I have listed. The building post I linked I have absolutely no clue why it was moved to third party mods as explained, however the server FPS one, I mean, isn't it a good thing for players to help each other find good places to play? Everyone has different game tastes. For me FPS is no.1 prio, but for the majority it seems modded high pop servers do the best even with poor fps.

That post could have helped others with my tastes and even the server owner to get a few more people playing his server he has put time, money and love into. How is there any negative to a post like this to deserve deleting it....?

Sorry for the rant just think maybe people aren't communicating any of this with you as it would seem pointless. As I said it seems quite a lonely place to be in this forum, especially on the player side and I think maybe things like this are the reason why.

This is my experience of using the forum anyway. I was going to go to the reddit but I looked and immediately could see DONT ADVERTISE SERVER HERE, DONT LOOK FDR PLAYERS HERE USE THE OTHER REDDIT etc. and just immediately thought this is just going to be the same moderation.

Anyway that's my constructive criticism. Hope its not taken the wrong way and it can at least be discussed.

23005Mon, 22 May 2017 23:09:37 +0000