Anti Hack Latest Topics Hack Latest TopicsenInfistar Global Ban Ich habe ein globales Verbot erhalten. Ich weiß nicht warum, habe niemals verbotene Programme verwendet und habe nichts falsch gemacht! Ich habe versucht herauszufinden, warum in Discord, aber sie haben verlangt, dass ich gestehe, dass ich es nicht weiß! Als ich mich erneut bewarb, erhielt ich Ban und Discord. Einige Zeit war ich ein Moderator auf dem Server und vielleicht gab es einen Piraten Infistar? Jetzt weiß ich nicht, der Serverbesitzer ist weg. meine id ist 76561198328329494 wenn ich Global Ban verdiene würde ich gerne wissen warum? Und natürlich würde ich gerne die Sperre aufheben, ich verspreche, aufmerksamer zu sein! Danke!

27974Fri, 05 Jul 2019 16:52:02 +0000
Infistar esp requests Hi, i have a question to the developers. Any cheet and any external cheet have access to esp. Can you remake ID-based requests checking  from clients? Map-hack bypasses your check.

27973Fri, 05 Jul 2019 15:12:49 +0000
Define ban.txt file location Is it possible to tell Arma where to place and track the ban.txt file?  We have 8 servers and I'd love to be able to have that file in a separate folder and symlink to it so that all servers could share it.  Or, is there a way to configure @infiSTAR to centralize bans?  I suppose I could have a web app that polled those files and aggregated them, then re-wrote the consolidated list to each file.  That's a pain in the ass, though.

27969Wed, 03 Jul 2019 21:07:05 +0000
infiSTAR is randomly kicking normal players Dear Exile Community and @infiSTAR,

The problem with the kicking of normal players in exile is since I installed infistar on my server. But because it was very seldom It was nearly not noticeable when a player gets kicked. 
Now this phenomena occurs very often. Nearly every 5-10 Minutes but it is very randomly sometimes while walking sometimes while driving/flying. And it occurs with every normal user, admins have no kicks.
Newest Stable Version of Infistar is installed.



24.05.2019 22:08:17: Playername(UID) isAdmin? false: SLOG_SKICK: Playername(UID) | Player Clientside AntiHack not loaded or stopped! Exile_Unit_Player  @146168 [14617.4,16856,0.00144005] | 2h 8min 29s [10-04-2019 15-55-00 - v93]



24.05.2019 22:08:17: Playername(UID) | Player Clientside AntiHack not loaded or stopped! Exile_Unit_Player  @146168 [14617.4,16856,0.00144005] | 2h 8min 29s [10-04-2019 15-55-00 - v93]

Infistar is normally installed how it should be. The Battleye Filters are not in the folder because Im not using any filters.

For testing purposes I installed the filters but then Im getting directly kicked by Battleye Restriction #2 

RPT Log at the time of the kick


22:08:17 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 6' by server.
22:08:17 Client: Remote object 6:0 not found
22:08:17 "gserver/BIS_fnc_log: HandleDisconnect : 211ba419800# 1822219: b_fullghillie_f.p3d"


27870Fri, 24 May 2019 21:08:35 +0000
Cyrillic (Russian) text characters in logs Can I change the encoding of the text to reproduce the Cyrillic (Russian) font in the logs?

Now I have this:

27766Mon, 08 Apr 2019 19:10:11 +0000
Signature Check after Arma update Is there a fix for signature check after the most recent Arma update? Running a Chernarus Exile and have to have a partially secured server at the moment because we are getting session lost when joining.

27694Sun, 17 Mar 2019 00:35:40 +0000
The easy way to install infiSTAR EXILE version 90 I was tired of people asking me one by one how to install infistar. I felt there was a better way to explain this so that anyone could not only DO the task but also understand WHAT they were doing.

The instructions are a challenge and the reference to the @Folder in your start.bat is totally unneeded and very confusing to people.

Rather than pasting calls and do this do that - I show people what "this and that" means.

Here is my install video showing the easy way - Updated for the new additions in the Description.ext. (Version 90)



25540Thu, 25 Jan 2018 14:42:10 +0000
Players getting kicked for Not Local PlayerObject Saw that something about this was posted before and supposedly fixed, so didn't get much information out of the thread. Anyone know how to fix this issue or what's going on?

HLOG_SKICK: [EDITED OUT THE UID] | Not Local PlayerObject (C): Logic with netId 10:202 @[6362.31,7786.92,0] | 0h 22min 57s [17-01-2019 04-21-26 - v93]
27570Thu, 31 Jan 2019 02:21:12 +0000
About infistar Global ban I have encountered such a thing, when you have two ARMA3 accounts, and an account is loaned to your friends to play, when he uses the plug-in to be blocked by infistar, your other account will be blocked together,Even if you have never used a plugin,And can’t appeal, they will kick you out of Discord,No reason

I think there is a problem with the inspection mechanism of infistar. Infistar can only be called an admin plugin rather than an anti-plugin

27519Mon, 14 Jan 2019 00:34:44 +0000
[Resolved] Line Drawing on Map Ok I swear I saw somewhere that infistar would delete any lines drawn by players and then log it. I cannot find that setting and does not seem to be working. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

14717Sat, 04 Jun 2016 18:18:29 +0000
Троян Инфистар image.thumb.png.10b254f1c7178739bf57fd6bd6fbd40a.png

27445Mon, 17 Dec 2018 15:27:03 +0000
RHS Vehicle Kicks - Better way? Is there a better way to determine script and variable exceptions rather than just getting in each vehicle and firing each missile to determine the exceptions required for the battleye files?  This is taking FOREVER to go through each one and fly/drive/use them and attempt to replicate what each player will do..  Also, I have an exception for each specific vehicle for things like,



!="trl 411;\n_ihadss ctrlShow false;\n\n\n[\"rhs_ah64_mainLoop\", \"onEachFrame\", {\n\nparams[\"_tick\",\"_startTime\"];\n\n\n\nif( isNull ( (uiName\""


LMK, as setting up this server has cost me about 5 days of straight scripting out exceptions so far and I'm only through a few vehicles.  THANKS!!!

27360Tue, 27 Nov 2018 21:55:27 +0000
Exile kicked me everytime Help me please. Player Clientside AntiHack not loaded or stopped!

I am constantly being kicked by an exile server. 
I have already tried everything and found no solution. 
Also, the solution mentioned here did not help me, 
because I do not know where I can find something. 
Sorry its google translator because I'm German.

Thanks for reading.

27355Mon, 26 Nov 2018 19:07:44 +0000
Where is Infistar?? So,

Where has @infiSTAR gone? 

Been trying to contact him but he gone ;) 

Not seen any of his forum section been answered by him either? 


27155Sun, 30 Sep 2018 19:12:31 +0000
InfiSTAR Feature request make it so each adminUIDandAccess[] = (depending on the level) have to have a tag so

OwnerNameTag = "[Owner]";

AdminNameTag = "[Admin]";

ModeratorNameTag = "[Moderator]";

I'm pretty sure you get what i'm getting at :)

12476Sat, 12 Mar 2016 23:51:09 +0000
I DID NOT USE HACK . Why they are silent .? infistar ? Why don't you answer ?   Let them write me that they blocked me out of personal dislike . And I'll leave you alone

27261Sat, 27 Oct 2018 08:32:35 +0000
View distance??? Whats the deal with the view distance with infiSTAR?

You change it in the config and nothing happens...

You disable it in the config and nothing happens...

I've tried getting a hold of someone on discord but no reply

27182Sat, 06 Oct 2018 15:37:40 +0000
Infistar Broke Something Hello @infiSTAR.

I noticed that after last update, the damage is handle differently?

I had something on my server that made people but not vehicles invulnerable from killer bushes and rocks.

After last update this stopped working, and I noticed probably because of this line of code that changed:



		_fnc_handleDamage = '
			_name = '+str _name+';
			_puid = '+str _puid+';
			_AHKickLog = '+str _AHKickLog+';
			_AHKickOFF = '+str _AHKickOFF+';
			_ret = true;
				_vehicle = vehicle _unit;
				_vehicle allowDamage false;
				_ret = false;
				_vehicle = vehicle _unit;
				_vehicle allowDamage true;
			if(_ret)then{_this call ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage;}else{_ret};
		_handleDamage_ID = -1;


_fnc_handleDamage = '
	_ret = damage _unit;
		_vehicle = vehicle _unit;
		_vehicle allowDamage false;
		_vehicle = vehicle _unit;
		_vehicle allowDamage true;
		_ret = _ret + _damage;

Any idea how to make it so that the damage still uses ExileClient_object_player_event_onHandleDamage ?

I tried modifying the last 3 lines with the old one but didn't work.

20282Sun, 25 Dec 2016 11:10:49 +0000
Crash restart and have DUMP Hello community, I have a problem with my restart of Infistar.

enableSystem = "true";
USE_SHUTDOWN = "true";

Server crash and i have .bidmp and .mdmp. in my profile. I remove my restart of Infistar and everything rolls well. I have the last update.

27139Tue, 25 Sep 2018 23:56:16 +0000
immersive cigs Hey guys.  trying to use the immersive cigs mod,

everything is placed in game fine.  get the lighter/matches/pack of smokes,  but there is suppose to be a action on the action menu to use and its not there.   think it may be somehting with infistar blocking it.  anyone got any ideas?

23743Thu, 13 Jul 2017 16:25:09 +0000
Help for class infiSTAR_handleDamage hello everyone, please fall if I'm not on the right topic. here is my request, is it someone managed to run the script that is in infistar "EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG" class infiSTAR_handleDamage, because on my server it does not work, here is my setting in the server but doesn't to work:
class infiSTAR_handleDamage {
		This whole handleDamage does not effect admins!
	enable = "true";

		PvP_ReflectDamage option should reflect damage from player vs player (the player still takes damage)
	PvP_ReflectDamage = "false";

		PvP_BlockDamage option should block damage from player vs player
	PvP_BlockDamage = "true";

		PvP_useZones will load PvP_ReflectDamage and PvP_BlockDamage only if people are not within a range of the given xyz coordinates!
	PvP_useZones = "true";
	zones[] = {
thank you for helping me
27103Wed, 19 Sep 2018 17:22:49 +0000
infistar not initiating I am installing infistar on fresh server, no mods. I am receiving the error.

infiSTAR_defines.hpp is not in your MPMission or you forgot to #include it within your description.ext   [37308x2 - 11-09-2018 21-36-20 - v93 - (1.0.4|1.80) TEST - [""Arma 3"",""Arma3"",184,144924,""Stable"",true,""Linux"",""x86""]]"

I am unsure of the cause, all the files are in mission folder and I have added correct lines to description.ext. both are listed below. Any help or insight into what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated. 

#define true 1
#define false 0
// Required for the XM8, do not remove!
#include "RscDefines.hpp"

// Server Settings - Modify at will
author = "Exile Mod Team";
onLoadName = "Exile Mod";
onLoadMission= "";
loadScreen = "exile_assets\texture\mod\logo.paa";
disableChannels[] = {0, 2};
OnLoadIntro = "";
OnLoadIntroTime = false;
OnLoadMissionTime = false;

class Header
    gameType = Survive; // Do NOT change this
    minPlayers = 1;
    maxPlayers = 100;

// Exile Settings - Do not change these!
forceRotorLibSimulation = 2;
skipLobby = 1;
joinUnassigned = 1;
respawn = "BASE";
respawnDelay = 120;
respawnDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 0;
respawnButton = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"};
corpseManagerMode = 0;
corpseLimit = 20;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1800;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
wreckManagerMode = 0;
wreckLimit = 2;
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
scriptedPlayer = 1;
disabledAI = 1;
enableItemsDropping = 0;
briefing = 0;
debriefing = 0;
allowFunctionsLog = 1;
enableDebugConsole = 0;
allowFunctionsRecompile = 0;
showSquadRadar = 0;
showUAVFeed = 0;
reviveDelay = 6;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;
reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;

showHUD[] =
    true,   // Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command)
    true,   // Vehicle + soldier info
    true,   // Vehicle radar
    true,   // Vehicle compass
    true,   // Tank direction indicator
    false,  // Commanding menu
    false,  // Group Bar
    true,   // HUD Weapon Cursors
    true   // Vehicle Panel (Required for GPS)

#include "config.cpp"

class CfgRemoteExec
    #include "CfgRemoteExec.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_defines.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_chat.hpp"
	#include "infiSTAR_KeyBinds.hpp"



27079Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:08:49 +0000
Infistar closing Xspawn Hello,

I have been trying for days to fix this issue so hopefully, someone here can help me :)

The problem

infistar will close the respawn menu unless you are an admin

What I have done 

I have added the IDD to the list.

I have tried disabling UDW.

And I have tried disabling infistar from the server which is the only thing that makes it work.

27042Tue, 04 Sep 2018 10:08:38 +0000
Server Kick Admin I Tried to log in into the server but after I joined it says that there are no bad scripts and then it takes me to the server list main menu. Any idea on how to fix? @infiSTAR
 8:58:39 "< FNC_AH_KICKLOGSPAWN> Papo Neltelo(76561198017217277) Token yqulf67duoua77 - objByNetID R Alpha 1-1:1 (Papo Neltelo) REMOTE"
 8:58:39 "<>SL| 0h 39min 15s | Papo Neltelo(76561198017217277) | Player is BADTYPE (invisible hack?): Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer - 0.844971 false false (KICKED TO LOBBY)"
 8:58:39 "<>KickLog| Papo Neltelo(76561198017217277)"
 8:58:39 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick Papo Neltelo' by server.


27049Wed, 05 Sep 2018 15:33:20 +0000
server restart problems (Infistar v90) Hi guys.
with the update to 1.80 and Exile mod 1.0.4 ceased to work properly server restarts.
At the appointed time, the server simply turns off. in 1.76 1.0.3 there was no such problem.
version infistar v90

Infistar v88 Arma 3 1.76 Exile mod 1.0.3



class RCON
            Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled

        // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword
        serverPassword = "19920320";

        // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players
        useAutoLock = 1;

        // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes)
        restartAutoLock = 3;

            Number of hours and minutes of your restart period.


            {4, 0} = Every 4 hours
            {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?)
        restartTimer[] = {3, 56};

            Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss.
            We strongely recommend to use this!

            0 = off
            1 = on
        useAutoKick = 1;

            Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did
            not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two
        kickTime = 2;


            0 = off
            1 = on
        useRestartMessages =0;

            Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players.

            Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested.
        restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; 

            If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown',
            to try to shutdown the server

        useShutdown = 0;




    enableSystem = "true";

        Locks the server when it starts, adds an eventhandler that kciks all players "on join" until the mpmission is initiated.
        That was the server can start up more properly and "build" all bases before the first players get in..
    LOCK_ON_RESTART = "true";

        I would recommend to use USE_RESTART_TIME_IN_M = "true"; instead of USE_RESTART_FIXED_TIME_ARRAY
    USE_RESTART_TIME_IN_M = "true";

        Restart time in minutes (default: 180min == 3 hours)
    RESTART_TIME_IN_M = 240;

        diag_tickTime (starts with arma3server.exe), time (starts with mpmission init)
    TIME_FUNCTION_USED = "diag_tickTime";

    RESTART_TIMES[] = {    /* {hour,minute} .. put in the times when your server is supposed to restart (real time). */

    USE_SHUTDOWN = "true";
    SERVER_END_FUNCTION = "#restartserver";    /* SERVER_END_FUNCTION -> #shutdown or #restartserver */
    RESTART_WARNING_SOUND = "air_raid";    /* for example: Alarm or air_raid */

    LOCK_MIN_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN = 5;                /* Locks the server x min before it gets shutdown */
    RESTART_IN_X_ARRAY[] = {15,10,5,4,3,2,1};    /* Announce the a restart x mins before it happens (x stands for each number) */



Infistar v90 Arma 3 1.80 Exile mod 1.0.4



    class RCON
            Note that for this to work you need to have serverCommandPassowrd defined in config.cfg and BE enabled

        // This needs to match config.cfg serverCommandPassword
        serverPassword = "19920320";

        // Autolocks server until its ready to accept players
        useAutoLock = 1;

        // Server will autoLock at that time before restart (minutes)
        restartAutoLock = 3;

            Number of hours and minutes of your restart period.


            {4, 0} = Every 4 hours
            {1, 30} = Every one and a half hour (who the hell would do this?)
        restartTimer[] = {3, 56};

            Kicks players before restart to prevent gear loss.
            We strongely recommend to use this!

            0 = off
            1 = on
        useAutoKick = 1;

            Number of minutes before the server kicks players that did
            not disconnect before the restart. Should at least be two
        kickTime = 2;


            0 = off
            1 = on
        useRestartMessages =0;

            Number of minutes before the restart to inform your players.

            Only use full minutes here. Value like 5.5 have not been tested.
        restartWarningTime[] = {15, 10, 5, 3}; 

            If set to 1 server will execute '#shutdown',
            to try to shutdown the server

        useShutdown = 0;



    enableSystem = "true";


    LOCK_ON_RESTART = "true";

        I would recommend to use USE_RESTART_TIME_IN_M = "true"; instead of USE_RESTART_FIXED_TIME_ARRAY
    USE_RESTART_TIME_IN_M = "true";

        Restart time in minutes (default: 180min == 3 hours)
    RESTART_TIME_IN_M = 240;

        diag_tickTime (starts with arma3server.exe), time (starts with mpmission init)
    TIME_FUNCTION_USED = "diag_tickTime";

    RESTART_TIMES[] = {    /* {hour,minute} .. put in the times when your server is supposed to restart (real time). */


    USE_SHUTDOWN = "true";
    SERVER_END_FUNCTION = "#restartserver";    /* SERVER_END_FUNCTION -> #shutdown or #restartserver */
    RESTART_WARNING_SOUND = "air_raid";    /* for example: Alarm or air_raid */

    LOCK_MIN_BEFORE_SHUTDOWN = 5;                /* Locks the server x min before it gets shutdown */
    RESTART_IN_X_ARRAY[] = {15,10,5,4,3,2,1};    /* Announce the a restart x mins before it happens (x stands for each number) */

The settings of the infistar are the same in both cases.
On version 1.80 of Exile 1.0.4, the server console simply closes and the server does not start again.

Help me :(

sorry for my bad english


25964Sun, 18 Mar 2018 13:29:29 +0000